Paul Hartman wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 2:14 PM, Dale <> wrote:
>> Paul Hartman wrote:
>>> On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 1:42 PM, Dale <> wrote:
>>>> kashani wrote:
>>>>> Dale wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I recently got DSL and youtube is growing on me.  LOL  I been trying to
>>>>>> find a really good hard drive that is around 400 to 500Gb and pretty
>>>>>> fast.  It has to be a IDE drive, you know, the big wide cables.  I don't
>>>>>> have SATA on this rig.
>>>>>> I have a Maxtor that I like and is pretty fast but it appears they are a
>>>>>> little hard to find nowadays.  In matter of importance:  size, price,
>>>>>> speed.  Newegg is great but will consider others as well.
>>>>>> Thanks for any pointers.  Open to ideas.
>>>>> SATA PCI card should be < $20. I'd then go with a SATA II drive.
>>>>> kashani
>>>> I been looking at these cards on newegg.  I haven't had a SATA drive
>>>> before and confess I don't know a lot about them.  They are faster and
>>>> have little bitty cables.  I'm looking at this one:
>>>> I notice that it has two internal and two external connectors.  Can I
>>>> assume that the "eSATA" means external or is that something else?
>>>> Also while I have the link and you are most likely looking at it, is
>>>> this a good fast card?  It appears to be a pretty recent revision since
>>>> it also says SATA II.
>>> Honestly, for $50 you can probably buy a new motherboard that has SATA
>>> built-in. :)
>>> This one is normal PCI and has 4 ports for $10 less cost, using
>>> SIL3124 chipset which should work fine in Gentoo: N82E16816124028
>>> As far as speed, I think PCI will be the ultimate bottleneck,
>>> especially if you ever attach more than 1 drive. But it should at
>>> least not be slower than your IDE, and access times should be nice and
>>> quick.
>>> For the alternative of cheap SATA-to-IDE adapter I was thinking of
>>> something like this:
>> I looked at the one that is $10.00 cheaper but it only has internal
>> connectors.  I may have to have a external drive one day soon.  I'm
>> about full on the 3.5' slots and I hate those little 3.5" to 5 1/4"
>> adapters.  They always give me grief.
>> I see what you mean on the little adapter.  Wouldn't be any faster tho
>> would it?  Wish they had that at newegg too.  I cold order both at the
>> same time.  o_O  It is CHEAP too.
> DealExtreme is in Hong Kong so it usually takes 2 or 3 weeks to get
> things from there to here (in USA), but the prices are ridiculously
> low and they have just about everything when it comes to small
> adapters and USB gizmos.
> For external drives it might be easier to use USB (assuming you have
> USB 2.0 on that system). It might even be faster than eSata through a
> PCI card. I have an external USB hard drive and get consistantly
> around 35MiB/sec read and write speed...

USB.  There is another idea.  Ooops, out of USB plugs too.  Crap, I
can't put in a drive without buying something to plug it into.  LOL  I
do have USB 2.0 on here.  I have to have 2.0 for the printer but my
camera has to have 1.0.  Weird I know.


:-)  :-) 

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