First: What is the NIC in the box where eth0 isn't showing up
Second: Is the driver in your kernel?

If not, pastebin lspci



On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 12:04 AM, Cinder <> wrote:

>  Hello, and thancks for the help. I really dig Gentoo.
>  I've installed my first Gentoo, but now I'm stuck. I started on an old
> PIII to try things out. Got the networking, ATI happening with xfce4 (had to
> unmasked a few things)and quickly dicided I would rather do this on the
> fastest machine I've got. I stuck the hardrive in my PIV and it booted, so I
> thought I'd just reconfigure and keep going. I compiled a new kernel with a
> module for the new onboard nic and had networking again. After a deep update
> gcc broke but was easy fixed by updating the link to my current gcc version
> 4.3.2. After discovering the gentoolkit (Wow!) I was revdep-rebuilding
> emerging -udN system and world 'cause my network interface was now coming up
> as eth1. There seemed to some residue from the previous network and graphix
> cards. So then I went removed the keywords file that unmasked packages for X
> and or ATI and emptied the portage tree. "emerge -eN system && emerge -eN
> world" 80!... 24 hours later my system has been entirely rebuilt with the
> new gcc and no masked packages. Cool! Had unmerged X and xfce4 somewhere
> along the way, so reinstalled them with some other bits and pieces as per
> the Gentoo xfce4 config guide. Haven't rebooted yet. Reboot! Had grub now
> Lilo? I didn't do that. Oh well, still works. Ok everything seems to be
> fine, accept no network (and net-setup seems to have disapeared):( I think
> have inadvertantly migrated to Xorg 1.5 with all that hal stuff). Then I
> thought maybe i had migrated to openrc as well and started fiddling
> /etc/conf.d and /etc/rc.conf. (and a bit in /etc/edev/rules.d too:0. But
> emerge and equery assure me that I don't have baselayout-2 or openrc
> installed. ifconfig -a shows only lo and sit0. So Any insight would be
> greatly appreciated. Here are some detailes.
> # emerge --info
> my kernel cofiguration
> /etc/conf.d/rc
> /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
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