>> > >>> I just finished installing Gentoo on a Dell Vostro
>> > Now that it's working how do you like the screen, size, etc? That's one
>> > of the laptops I've been considering.
>> You just have to admire and honest (Dell) company....
> I had a Dell laptop a few years back.  It was the reason for maybe 2 years I
> didn't have a PC at all (which is very strange for my life).  I think almost
> every single component on it broke in a matter of 18-24 months.  It was
> purchased through a university, and I think the IT department must have
> thought I was using it as a frisbee on a regular basis .  A friend around
> the same time had a different model and it was also a pile.
> Not that N=2 statistics mean anything, of course.  Not sure anymore, but
> Dell was built on two basic policies: 1) Make profit by cutting out the
> middle man (you had to order things directly from Dell) 2) Buy the cheapest
> (crappiest) parts in bulk and assemble.
> I'm using Apple now, and aside from an entourage of complaints on the
> "assume user is an idiot" (fixed by running Linux) and proprietary hardware
> (everything can be hacked), the beast is rock solid.  Of course, one of my
> friends has the exact same model laptop and he had to ship it back like
> three times, so...who knows?
> Then again, the price of Vostros will blow Macbooks out of the water.  I
> guess you could just buy two Dells and cannibalize one when the
> keyboard/powersupply/harddrive/optical drive/usb port/ethernet port/screen
> hinge breaks (a short list of my old Dell problems).
> Regards,
> daid

I've had the same experience with Acer laptops.  I've also had trouble
with screen hinges on Dell laptops.

- Grant

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