Ordinarily, I would also point to I/O errors, but not this time.  I
have had this same version of Mathematica, 5.2, for *years*, on this
same machine, over several kernels and several Xorg upgrades, and it
was rock-solid.  Not one X hang or crash.  Ever.  No error messages or
I/O warnings ever.  The only thing I'd ever see in the console would
be GTK+ errors from other programs.  Something about this latest X
upgrade is making Mathematica unhappy, either because some previously
supported format that worked fine with it has been altered or
something else in that general regard.  This version being so outdated
- that isn't a surprise.  It may not be a bug, so much as an
incompatibility, perhaps

I think the only thing I can do at this point that probably will fix
this is to go to stable arch, but I am not willing to do that because
I like my box the way it is now :-)  It's great and efficient for all
other things.  Before I can get a local Mathematica upgrade, I will
have to resort to using it via X forwarding off the central server.

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