2009/10/23 Mick <michaelkintz...@gmail.com>:
> 2009/10/22 Mick <michaelkintz...@gmail.com>:

>> Yes, I have copied all my filters from 3.5 kmailrc, but somehow the
>> POP filters don't seem to show up.  My spam filters are all
>> recognised.
> Scratch that - no filters are recognised.

As a matter of fact they are not recognised because restarting kmail
results in all the filters which were manually pasted in KDE4 kmailrc
being deleted ... o_O

>> Meanwhile, this is what I am getting from Akonadi:
>> ====================================
>> Test 7:  ERROR
>> --------
>> Akonadi server process not registered at D-Bus.
>> Details: The Akonadi server process is not registered at D-Bus which
>> typically means it was not started or encountered a fatal error during
>> startup.
>> ====================================
>> Further down it says:
>> ====================================
>> File content of '/home/michael/.local/share/akonadi/akonadiserver.error':
>> Database driver "QMYSQL" was not found.
>> Available drivers are: ("QSQLITE")
>> Falling back to database driver "QMYSQL"
>> Database driver "QMYSQL" was not found.
>> Available drivers are: ("QSQLITE")
>> No usable database driver found.
>> ====================================
>> Needless to say I can't access my address book, it's empty.  :-(
>> What's the recommended fix - I would think that having to run MySQL is
>> an overkill on my asthmatic PIII laptop.

Reading this useful page:


the problem may be with me selecting Redland instead of Sesame2
because I do not have/use Java.  Hmm ... wonder if this is also why
kdewallet (or modern equivalent) is no longer there?

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