* Etaoin Shrdlu (Fri, 23 Oct 2009 10:35:48 +0100)
> On Thursday 22 October 2009, Alex Schuster wrote:
> > > I did
> > >
> > > cp -a .kde3.5 .kde4
> > >
> > > and all the settings (not just only konqueror's) were picked up.
> >
> > That did not work for me, all windows had no window title then. But it
> > worked fine for partial applications when I copied just their data over.
> > For konqueror, that would probably be share/config/konquerrorrc and
> > share/apps/konqueror/.
> Yeah, I've seen mixed outcomes when doing that. I was probably lucky.
> What I really did was:
> 1) save the "vanilla" .kde directory that was created when kde4 first started 
> up, to have a safe rollback in case something goes wrong
> 2) cp -a the .kde3.5 dir to .kde4, as said
> 3) check that things were mostly correct, and if not rollback to the saved 
> .kde dir I created in step 1

~/.kde is a symlink to ~/.kde3.5. So there is nothing to backup or 


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