On 10/25/2009 08:19 AM, walt wrote:

> Merging gnome-media with the pulseaudio USE flag breaks
> gnome-volume-control most horribly IMO, but OTOH I don't
> understand pulseaudio, so maybe I'm wrong.

I found the gnome 2.26 upgrade guide, which points to the
pulseaudio documentation.

It seems that pulseaudio has its own mixer control (not
included in gentoo's pulseaudio package) so maybe it does
make sense to remove that function from gnome's volume
control applet.

However, the most important thing I learned is that I have
no use whatever for pulseaudio -- and I doubt that many
other people do, either.

It seems to be a massively complex solution hunting for a
problem.  How many of us want/need to play two or more
soundtracks at the same time?

If I'm wrong about this, please correct me.  I'd like to
know why all those devs spent so much energy building it.


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