On 26.10.2009 14:19, walt wrote:

> You say you rebuilt world.  Was gnome-media actually rebuild without
> the pulseaudio Use flag?  That's where gnome-volume-control comes
> from, not from the panel applets package.

Yes, I used the usual |emerge -vpDNu world| and that did remerge

> BTW, you can also do nicely without the esd USE flag and esound also,
> but you'll need to revdep-rebuild after because lots of packages will
> break (but they all still work perfectly after the rebuild.)

Interesting, nice tip. I just finished getting rid of it. It was a bit
of a mess because revdep-rebuild didn't discover a "-lesd" in
libgoffice-0.6.la and hence gnumeric failed to emerge until I finally
removed that by hand. But it's great to have one dependency less. And
sound still seems to work. :-)


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