On Wed, 2 Dec 2009 13:22:38 +0200, Dirk Uys <dirkc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> This has been bothering me for some time now. I have a Dell PC at work,
> Intel Core2 Duo with 4gb ram etc. Whenever something does a lot of disk
> access, the PC slows down to a halt? I remember some issue between
> and the kernel causing long pauses, but I've had several different
> versions running.
> I also use the ntfs-3g driver for write access to a doze partition, but
> although the degradation in performance more severe with the ntfs-3g
> driver,
> access to the native (ext3) partition also drags the system down for a
> while.
> I checked obvious things like whether or not I enable SMP in the kernel.
> tried changing the kernel pre-emption from low latency desktop to
> but the problem persist. The application that is mostly involved when I
> these long delays is FireFox, VMWare and emerge (emerge --sync). 
> Everything
> is compiled 64bit but I have the 32bit emulation libs.
> Can anyone point me into some direction?
> Regards
> Dirk

I know I am hitting at the obvious, but I can't be sure you already
checked that.

Since the applications you are using can be quite intensive in memory
usage, did you check whether you are hitting swap or not?

Jesús Guerrero

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