On Sun, 13 Dec 2009 14:47:04 -0800
walt <w41...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 12/13/2009 11:18 AM, Renat Golubchyk wrote:
> > I need to build a static binary of a program I wrote. The problem is
> > that most packages only install dynamic version of the libraries.
> > There are the "static" and "static-libs" USE flags...
> I'm confused (not unusual).  Do you want to create a Gentoo package of
> your program that can be added to portage?
> USE flags are used only by the Gentoo portage system, not by the
> compiler or linker that compiles and links your source code.
> If you wrote the program, then you have complete control over the
> linker flags (e.g. -static, as Albert mentioned) and those flags
> usually are defined in a Makefile (which you create, being the
> programmer).

As you said, you really are confused. :-) Maybe I wasn't clear enough.
Anyway, I've written a program, and I need it as a statically linked
binary. In order to link statically the linker (ld) needs all the used
libraries in static form, i.e. as a .a and not as a .so file. Since
portage does not build static libraries by default I need a way to tell
portage that I really do want to have .a files built.

I do _not_ want to create a Gentoo package, at least not at this stage
of development.


Probleme kann man niemals mit derselben Denkweise loesen,
durch die sie entstanden sind.

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