On Wed, 3 Feb 2010 12:09:57 -0800, Mark Knecht wrote:

> > It seems a little underhand to me, either its open source or it isn't.
> > There's no good technical reason to not release the USB source, only
> > commercial reasons.

> I agree, but it may be that Sun had licensed stuff like this from
> someone else prior to making the project Open Source and cannot
> release it.

That's possible, but reading what they say about it makes me doubt that,
that this was a choice they made.

> I didn't like some of the language on that page where they said:
> "It is functionally equivalent to the full VirtualBox package, except
> for a few features that primarily target enterprise customers."

Since when was USB storage primarily for Enterprise users?

> I don't like it when they say 'functionally equivalent' as it makes me
> think it's not __exactly__ the same code.

Good point. This seems more like crippleware masquerading as open source.

Neil Bothwick

"A snooze button is a poor substitute for no alarm clock at all."

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