On Thursday 11 February 2010 13:50:54 Walter Dnes wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 01:31:26AM +0100, Volker Armin Hemmann wrote
> > On Donnerstag 11 Februar 2010, Roy Wright wrote:
> > > IMO, mandatory semantic-desktop is a very good reason to find another
> > > desktop manager (even after being my primary desktop for 7 years).
> > 
> > yeah good luck with that. Because gnome is moving in that direction too.
>   There are other desktops besides GNOME and KDE.  Actually I prefer the
> ICEWM window manager.  I was running a 1999 Dell 450mhz PIII with 128
> megs of *SYSTEM* ram until the summer of 2007.  Let's just say that
> GNOME and KDE were out of the question for me.  On my current desktop,
> ICEWM flies.  But I also have a netbook, and again GNOME and KDE are not
> usable.
> > Seriously guys, you start sounding like luddites. Is new, must be bad.
>   Correction, is fat, bloated, and slow, must be bad.  I wonder if
> Microsoft's anti-linux strategy is to have its agents infiltrate the
> linux developer community, and turn linux into bloatware.

You have been corrected on this point so many times I now think you are just a 
stupid ass.

It is not slow. 

You are the only one saying that. People who do use Nepomuk say that it is not 
slow and does not hog resources (initial scan excepted). 

Are you seriously just shooting your mouth off about something you know didly-
squat about?

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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