On 02/11/2010 01:35 PM, Zeerak Waseem wrote:

It just seems silly that if you want to use the newest version of kate, kmail 
> that semantic-desktop is forced upon you, when you're not interested in 
having the
> entire DE.

By the authority vested in me by My-Wife-the-Windows-User, I welcome you to
the gentoo-users mail list. (I don't recall your name from previous months,
but, nevermind.)

I see that you've taken some heat in return for your opinions, but you've
maintained a very civil and polite tone to your replies, and I admire you
for that.

On the other hand, may I politely suggest that, if you wish to use the latest
version of kate (or any other software including software from M$) you must
necessarily accept the decisions of the author of that software.  How could
it possibly be otherwise?

The Ultimate Solution is to develop your own software, of course, and be
the next M$/Google/Whoever.

Hey, I'm still working on it -- I'll get there, do-or-die!

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