
On Sun, Feb 14, 2010 at 12:56:14PM +0100, Damian wrote:
> I understand, but that isn't what I want, because when I boot up, I
> don't always start up mpd.
> > Maybe a combination of both
> >
> > rc_after="mpdscrible"
> > rc_need="mpdscrible"
> >
> > in /etc/conf.d/mpd could also work.
> That's the problem. No matter what I put in  /etc/conf.d/mpd the init
> script seems to ignore it. Even if I write
>     rc_need="more money"
> it will be ignored. Although the config file is read when I restart mpd.

I am getting rather confused by this back and forth (I thought I
understood what you wanted and Dirk and other's answers should be
right, but now I am not so sure). Can you answer the following for me
just to make sure we are on the same page?

(a) What is mpdscribble? My understanding is that it is a service that
tells other things what is currently playing on mpd? That it is
actually a client of mpd? Is it actually a daemon/service?

(b) What actually is the desired behaviour? From the last e-mail I am
under the impression you don't always want to have the mpd daemon
running, but you want to be able to bring up /etc/init.d/mpd and
automatically have mpdscribble started? Can you give me a description
of what commands you want to execute and what you want to accomplish
with those?

(c) I noticed that in your previous e-mail you spelled it mpdscrible
with only one b. Is that a typo in the e-mail, or is it actually how
you have it in /etc/conf.d/mpd? emerge --search suggests that
mpdscribble is spelled with two b's.

(d) What versions of openrc and baselayout are you using?



Willie W. Wong                                     ww...@math.princeton.edu
Data aequatione quotcunque fluentes quantitae involvente fluxiones invenire 
         et vice versa   ~~~  I. Newton

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