On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 02:16:41PM +0100, Andrzej Stycze?? wrote:
> On Thursday 18 of February 2010 15:11:16 Arttu V. wrote:
> > I'm guessing you're stuck with one or more of the regular USE-flag
> > related circular deps problems: cups, ldap, sasl, kerberos, rle and
> > what are there (and apparently now I have to add qt4 into the mix as
> > well). Do you happen to have any of these enabled?
> >
> > I keep running into them with each and every new desktop system
> > install. Yes, I'm a greedy pig when it comes to USE flags, I enable
> > most (if not everything) -- and then keep banging my head on many,
> > many of these circular deps. Each of those needs a separate emerge
> > (like the one Neil gave as an example for cmake) to break the cycles
> > in the dependency tree.
> I'm very sorry to unable answer you. I could not wait such long, because I 
> must use my laptop in work, so I install Debian back yesterday :-(. I will 
> try Gentoo amd64 when I finish my work on Debian. 
> I also try Gentoo on my desktop i386 at home and there the installation went 
> very well with kde-meta. There aren't any problems with installation kde-meta 
> (emerge kde-meta).   
> On my laptop (amd64) and home computer (i386) I only put these flags what 
> emerge want during the installation. I do not add any other, because I quite 
> newbie to Gentoo (and I don't know what I should put there). As I mention 
> earlier on my home computer (i386) everything go well :-), but on amd64 
> not :-( - maybe next time will be better. Anyway I have only such problems 
> with amd64 to install kde-meta or maybe anyone else?

If I understand you correctly, then you only set useflags when you invoke 
emerge? As in "USE="foo" emerge foobar". Is this how you're doing it or am I 
just misunderstanding?
If it is how you're doing it, then I would suggest that you start using your 
/etc/portage/package.use file instead (it doesn't exist by default, you have to 
make the directory and the file) and add the use flags you want for the package 
you're about to install. This way it'll be a permanent useflag that isn't 
overwritten next time that specific package needs an update.

> Thank you for your help and time.
> Best wishes,
> Andrzej


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