On Saturday 20 of February 2010 03:56:32 Zeerak Mustafa Waseem wrote:

If I understand you correctly, then you only set useflags when you invoke
emerge? As in "USE="foo" emerge foobar". Is this how you're doing it or am
I just misunderstanding?
Yes and no.

Yes, because I add a given flag to USE in /etc/make.conf. If emerge want it,
when I do the following command:
# emerge kde-meta

After this command, emerge tell me that I must to use e.g. X,  so I add a
given flag to USE="X jpeg png -debug" etc. to file /etc/make.conf.

No, because I put it to /etc/make.conf, not as you show all in one line:
# USE="X jpeg png -debug" emerge kde-meta
I do not do as above line.

If it is how you're doing it, then I would suggest
that you start using your /etc/portage/package.use file instead (it doesn't
exist by default, you have to make the directory and the file) and add the
use flags you want for the package you're about to install. This way it'll
be a permanent useflag that isn't overwritten next time that specific
package needs an update.
Thank you for this hint :-)


Something that may help in the future, when you change the USE line in make.conf, you may want to add the -N option to your next emerge. That tells portage to evaluate what, if anything, needs to be recompiled with the new USE flags. Depending on the version of portage you are using, this could cause future builds to fail because of missing parts of other packages.

For me, when I sync and do my updates, I run emerge -uvDNa world. It will at times compile a few extra packages but it does make for a more sane system. It's almost as good as running emerge -e world.

Just a thought.


:-)  :-)

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