Alex Schuster wrote:
Dale, you brave, brave man, are you really using KDE4 now?


I am in KDE4. I still have KDE3 installed tho. Thing is, I'm still using the same programs I was in KDE3. Dolphin looks nice and all but I can't use it as root at all. So, I went back to Konqueror to edit config files and such. I don't use some of the programs that you are using so I don't have the same issues. I use smplayer to do movies or CDs. It doesn't care what DE you use.

I have to admit, I am sort of moving some things away from KDE. The way KDE has done this change over has certainly left a bad taste in my mouth. If they do KDE5 the same way, I will likely be switching to something else. Heck, I may not be using KDE specific apps by then. Smplayer for example will run on any DE as far as I know.

I do like the looks of KDE4. I still think they dropped KDE3 to soon. KDE4 will get there but it is still having issues many months after dropping KDE3. Bad thing is, I don't think they care about the users they left hanging in the wind.


:-)  :-)

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