On 3/12/10, Damian <damian.o...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Bummer. Are you sure your libarchive.la is not another orphan, just
>> like liblzmadec.la was?
> Indeed.  libarchive.la is not owned by any package. Is this a symptom
> of a bigger problem?

Probably not, unless running Gentoo is considered a big problem. :)

You can read many things about the problems of dynamic vs static
linking from, e.g., flameeyes' blog.

>> Please check (if you are still interested in hunting down the cause).
> Sure, and I really appreciate the gentoo community help.

Ah, I got the impression that you might have been satisfied with USE="-lzma".

>> You should probably only end up with that la file if you have
>> USE="static-libs" for libarchive -- which (if I'm reading correctly
>> the paludis output attached in the bug) you do not have currently
>> enabled.
> That's correct. Should I enable static-libs and recompile libarchive?

I don't think so, but I don't know what your system is for. If the box
currently runs without the static libs then I'd guess you don't need
them. I think you might want to hear a third opinion, if someone else
has one to lend.

>> But since you have the libarchive.la file on your system you may have
>> had the USE flag enabled at one point, or the ebuild may have changed
>> to allow separate dynamic and static building while your package
>> manager might not have kept up with its records.
> Ok, if that's the case I will report it to the paludis developers.

Given Neil's comment I think it might not be a bug, but rather a nasty
"feature", apparently of portage as well (that was news to me).

Arttu V.

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