do you have VIDEO_CARDS set in your make.conf?

On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 8:18 AM, 7v5w7go9ub0o <>wrote:

> I'd like to compile ffmpeg with vdpau - direct NVidia hardware
> acceleration. This is a configuration flag for ffmpeg.
> Setting the "vdpau" use flag seems to set the configuration flag, but
> also brings in the "x11-libs/libvdpau" libraries which I think I do not
> want, as my NVidia proprietary driver provides these libraries.
> 1. How do I enable the "vdpau" configuration flag for compiling ffmpeg,
> without bringing in "x11-libs/libvdpau"? (Sigh...... I suppose one work
> around is to bring them in, then reinstall the proprietary driver
> ............ )

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