Thanks you very much Mr. Kallio!

On Oct 13, 9:09 am, Veli Albert Kallio <>
> Hi Tom,
> I think the geoengineering foundation is the most brilliant idea, I ever 
> heard.
> The Law of Diminishing Returns already affects the over-long, dragged climate 
> negotiations and IPCC processes. Anything renewing our human pool and 
> initiative to tackle the climate is required. The marvellous works of Charles 
> Keeling, Michael Mannix, oft-repeated loose impact with diminishing return on 
> policy makers, much like any new dots on a temperature graph once the fever 
> were charted in a patient by the UK's Meteorological Office.
> The overarching danger is that the Copenhagen Summit of "climate science 
> movement" becomes today's Copenhagen Council, in fashion of the Medieval 
> Conciliatory Movement that tried to tackle all the social and societal ills 
> left over from the Medieval Scholasticism. Renaissance Movement came to 
> relieve some of the bandages of the old orders of the dark ages, but the 
> Renaissance was not enough to stop the soon explosion of the Reformation.
> In the past we had human systems we argued with our vexed interests. Today, 
> the Dark Age of the scholasticism has been replaced by the age of fossil 
> fuels, the Renaissance goes to right direction but is wholly insufficient as 
> a move away from the tight-rope of the fossil fuels to age of clean 
> renewables. Today's explosion, the Reformation to Come, is centred on the 
> subject of all human vexed interests tightened against our inanimate planet 
> "Gaia" that protests all the climatic forcing the dark age of fossil-fuelled 
> mankind. Argument with an inanimate object no one living can win, the earth 
> will survive it all, but perhaps without us if need be. This second 
> reformation of our age, will make face of the Earth without us and much of 
> anything else living it carries.
> The Councils of Stockholm (1973), Rio de Janeiro (1992), Kyoto, Bali, 
> Copenhagen, it bears a striking similarity to the Medieval Conciliatory 
> Movement trying to untangle the vexed interests of the Medieval Society that 
> retarded its social progress. Outlook is really bad.
> The geoengineering foundation will stir the political pot from new directions 
> and we need to do all we can to make it a viable reality and make the stupid 
> masses of scholastics in throes of dark ages of fossil fuels to see its value 
> to tackle the global warming this way.
> The nuclear energy, renewables, forestation, emission cuts, home insulation, 
> re-use, recycling, contraception, public transport and geoengineering all 
> have their place to get us over this and provide help where the climate 
> science movement has got stuck much like the Medieval Conciliatory Movement, 
> unable to accomplish its reformatory work for the betterment of society by 
> the inflexible vexed system primed to their self-destruction.
> Whilst geoengineering offers direct benefits on its own, it is important to 
> notice the value of our work and encouragement to people in the other fields 
> that are generally supportive to our ideas. The whole is greater than the sum 
> of its parts, makes this idea even greater.
> With kind regards,
> Yours sincerely,
> Veli Albert Kallio, FRGS
> HH Plenipotentiary Scientific Ambassador
> of Global Environmental Parliament Group
> International Guru Nanak Peace Prize Nominee for 2008
> (for sea level rise risks for global security & economic stability)
> Frozen Isthmuses' Protection Campaign
> of the Arctic and North Atlantic Oceans
> > Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2009 15:02:49 -0600
> > From:
> > To:
> > CC:;
> > Subject: [geo] Re: I am Planning A New Geoengineering Foundation
> > The emphasis will be on geo-engineering as opposed to
> > > climactic research and ecology.
> > Tom.
> > ++++++++++++++++++++
> > Ken Caldeira wrote:
> > > ... and I was hoping I could ask you for money !!
> > > On Sun, Oct 11, 2009 at 10:19 PM, VNBC INC <
> > > <>> wrote:
> > > I saw your webpage. Would the Carnegie Foundation fund my foundation
> > > if it was dedicated to devising potential theoretical solutions then
> > > testing them? The emphasis will be on geo-engineering as opposed to
> > > climactic research and ecology.
> > > On Oct 11, 11:31 pm, Ken Caldeira <
> > > <>> wrote:
> > > > Where will the money come from ?
> > > > On Oct 11, 7:56 pm, Neil Farbstein <
> > > <>> wrote:
> > > > > I'm thinking about starting up a nonprofit geoengineering
> > > foundation.
> > > > > We will study the problems of greenhouse warming and geoengineering
> > > > > type ways of slowing it down or reversing it and the circumstances
> > > > > under which this would be desirable. We will fund research and
> > > > > development of a variety of means to accomplish those goals. If you
> > > > > are interested contact Neil Farbstein at
> > > <>
> > > > > or at 516-921-5058- Hide quoted text -
> > > > - Show quoted text -
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