Dear Mike,

The paper says:

There is a clear seasonal cycle in the e-folding lifetime of
the stratospheric aerosols in the Arctic case ranging from
2 to 4 months. The maximum lifetime occurs during boreal
summer with a minimum during boreal winter with the
formation of the polar vortex and higher rates of tropopause

So 4 months is the correct number to use if you are looking at a ratio of impact to mass of sulfur injections.


[On sabbatical for current academic year.  The best way to contact me
is by email,, or at 732-881-1610 (cell).]

Alan Robock, Professor II (Distinguished Professor)
  Editor, Reviews of Geophysics
  Director, Meteorology Undergraduate Program
  Associate Director, Center for Environmental Prediction
Department of Environmental Sciences        Phone: +1-732-932-9800 x6222
Rutgers University                                  Fax: +1-732-932-8644
14 College Farm Road                   E-mail:
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8551  USA

On 3/19/2012 9:42 AM, Mike MacCracken wrote:
Hi Alan---Well, I got the 2 months number from your paper---and used that. Interesting that a more detailed evaluation indicates that the lifetime in summer is longer. I think longer times than a week might well be possible in the troposphere by choosing injection times and meteorological conditions, so I'll correct to ratio of 10 to 20 to 1 for stratosphere, but noting that there might not be a need for the aerosols to be there for 4 months, so the longer stratospheric time might be real, but not necessarily relevant.

On the issue of the amount of pollution, a couple of comments. Aside from arguments over whether it is the sulfate or things with the sulfate causing the health effects that have been associated with sulfate from coal-fired power plants (for any sulfate injection it would be pure SO2 or whatever without all the other combustion products---or perhaps one might use sea salt or something else), due to past coal use in Europe and Soviet Union, we have a reasonable sense of what the impacts from sulfate might be. With summer only injections, one would avoid much of the acid deposition problem (shorter season, and not accumulating on snow and running off all at once). One would also be choosing emissions times to have air flows that carry the SO2/sulfate over the Arctic and not over the land. So, yes, will be some impacts, but can possibly be moderated to be less than, as your study suggested, the unintended side effects of stratospheric SO2. I am all for considering and comparing the full range of possible approaches (stratospheric, tropospheric, surface, etc.--separately and/or in combination).

With some sense of what might be able to be done and the potential impacts, the next step is a comparative risk evaluation, as for all climate engineering. Without doing something, it is hard to see how the Arctic can be kept from very extensive thawing and loss of the climate that we have. With it, yes, some different types of impacts due to the engineering effort, but, assuming it works, a good deal less, or slowed climate impact on the Arctic, and if loss of glacier/ice sheet mass can be slowed (or reversed---as Caldeira-Wood study suggested), then a benefit to the global community.

With some sense of relative risks of various choices, it becomes a political decision, with its many considerations. I happen to think that, if any climate engineering is to be considered, having a focused goal such as limiting polar warming and associated impacts would be more likely to be considered as a first step than jumping straight to a global counter-balancing approach, but that is just my opinion. In any case, rather than saying what is or is not acceptable, it seems to me our responsibility is to explore and evaluate options and then it is the governance system that decides about the tradeoffs of pollution versus un- (or under-) moderated Arctic change (and everything else).


On 3/19/12 12:03 PM, "Alan Robock" <> wrote:

      Dear Mike,

     I don't know how you do this 6 to 1 calculation.  We found that
    the e-folding time for stratospheric aerosols in the Arctic s 2-4
    months, with 4 months in the summer, the relevant time.  (see )  If
    we compare this to the lifetime of tropospheric aerosols, on week,
    and add a week to the 4 months for their tropospheric time, the
    ratio is 130 days to 7 days, which is *19 to 1, not 6 to 1*.
     Furthermore, the health effects of additional tropospheric
    pollution are not acceptable, in my opinion.


    [On sabbatical for current academic year.  The best way to contact me
    is by email,, or at 732-881-1610 (cell).]

    Alan Robock, Professor II (Distinguished Professor)
      Editor, Reviews of Geophysics
      Director, Meteorology Undergraduate Program
      Associate Director, Center for Environmental Prediction
    Department of Environmental Sciences        Phone: +1-732-932-9800
    Rutgers University                                  Fax:
    14 College Farm Road                   E-mail:
    New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8551  USA

     On 3/18/2012 5:49 PM, Mike MacCracken wrote:

        Hi Stephen--My wording must have been confusing.

        For stratospheric injections at low latitudes, the lifetime is
        1-2 years.
        The aerosols do move poleward and are carried into the
        troposphere in mid
        and high latitudes. This is one approach to trying to limit
        global climate
        change, and, as David Keith says, studies indicate that these
        cool the polar
        regions, though perhaps not in the stratosphere.

        Your cloud brightening approach is also to limit global
        warming. I'd also
        suggest that we could offset some of the global warming by
        sulfate aerosols
        out over vast ocean areas instead of sulfate's present
        dominance over, now,
        southeastern Asia, China, etc.--so keeping or modestly
        enhancing the present
        cooling offset. [And reducing cirrus may also be a viable

        A third approach is to cool the poles (and this might be good
        for regional
        purposes alone), but cooling also pulls heat out of lower
        latitudes and
        helps to cool them somewhat. The Caldeira-Wood shows it works
        (they reduced solar constant) and Robock et al. injected SO2 into
        stratosphere to do (but the full year injection of SO2/SO4
        likely spread
        some to lower latitudes and the monsoons were affected). One
        thing Robock et
        al. found was that the lifetime of sulfate in the polar
        stratosphere is
        about two months, and so that means that the potential 100 to
        1 advantage of
        stratospheric sulfate is not valid, and we're down to 6 to 1
        compared to
        surface-based approaches such as CCN or microbubbles to cool
        waters, sulfate or something similar over Arctic area, surface
        by microbubbles, etc.--noting that such approaches are only
        needed (and
        effective) for the  few months per year when the Sun is well
        up in the sky.

        As David Keith also says, there is a lot of research to be
        done to determine
        which approaches or alone or in different variants might work,
        or be
        effective or ineffective and have unintended consequences,
        much less how
        such an approach or set of approaches might be integrated with
        adaptation, suffering, etc.

        Best, Mike MacCracken

        On 3/18/12 12:52 PM, "Stephen Salter" <>
        <>  wrote:


            I had thought that the plan was stratospheric aerosol to
            be released at
            low latitudes and would slowly migrate to the poles where
            is would
            gracefully descend.  If you can be sure that it will all
            have gone in 10
            days then my concerns vanish.  But if the air cannot get
            through the
            water surface how can the aerosol it carries get there?
             It will form a
            blanket even if it is a very low one.

            A short life would mean  that we do not have to worry
            about methane
            release.  But can we do enough to cool the rest of the
            planet?  Perhaps
            Jon Egil can tell us about blanket lifetime.


            Mike MacCracken wrote:

                The Robock et al simulations of an Arctic injection
                found that the lifetime
                of particles in the lower Arctic stratosphere was only
                two months. In that
                one would only need particles up during the sunlit
                season (say three months,
                for only really helps after the sea ice surface has
                melted and the sun is
                high in the sky). During the relatively calm weather
                of Arctic summer, the
                lifetime of tropospheric sulfate, for example
                CCN--emitted above the inversion is likely 10 days or
                so. It is not at all
                clear to me that the 6 to 1 or so lifetime advantage
                of the lower
                stratosphere is really worth the effort to loft the

                And on the temperature rise in the polar stratosphere,
                I would hope any
                calculation of the effects of the sulfate/dust
                injection only put it in
                during the sunlit season
                radiation during the polar night, so, with a two month
                lifetime of aerosols
                there, it makes absolutely no sense to be lofting
                anything for about two
                thirds of the year. And so likely no effect on winter
                temperatures (although
                warming the coldest part of the polar winter
                stratosphere might well help to
                prevent an ozone hole from forming).

                So, I think a tropospheric brightening approach is
                likely the better option.
                Whether it can be done with just CCN or might also
                need sulfate seems to me
                worth investigating (what one needs may well be not
                just cloud brightening,
                but also clear sky aerosol loading).

                Best, Mike


                On 3/17/12 8:41 PM, "Ken Caldeira"
                <>  wrote:

                    That is just misleading.  The third attachment is
                    a top-of-atmosphere
                    radiation balance on the email I am responding to
                    shows shortwave radiation.

                    The attached figure shows the corresponding
                    temperature field from the same
                    simulation for the same time period.  Note Arctic

                    Also, we should not focus on individual regional
                    blobs of color in an
                    of a single decade from a single simulation.

                    The paper these figures came from is here:

                    Ken Caldeira

                    Carnegie Institution Dept of Global Ecology
                    260 Panama Street, Stanford, CA 94305 USA
                    +1 650 704 7212

                    Climate change and the
                    transition from coal to low-carbon electricity
                    Crop yields in a geoengineered climate

                    On Sat, Mar 17, 2012 at 1:31 PM, Andrew Lockley


                        Here are some model outputs which Stephen sent
                        me. These appear to show
                        localized arctic warming in geoengineering
                        simulations. This could be due
                        winter effects.

                        I assume this is the source for the
                        controversial figure in the BBC quote


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