Greg et al 

See inserts below. 

----- Original Message -----
From: "RAU greg" <> 
To:, "bhaskarmv 64" <> 
Cc:,, "Doug Karlen" 
Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2012 11:56:22 AM 
Subject: Re: [geo] Re: New Research on OIF 

Thanks Ron. As for Karlen et al's grand solution: 
"If the CROPS concept is not acceptable to soil and water scientists, what 
alternatives are offered to address rising CO 2 concentrations? Energy 
efficiency and conservation (29) are certainly a top priority, which is 
consistent with the North Central Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and 
Education (NCR-SARE) Administrative Council recommendations for sustainable 
bioenergy production (30)." 

Anyone care to diagram how energy efficiency and conservation are going to save 
the planet from excess CO2 when we need essentially zero fossil fuel emissions 
to stabilize air CO2? 

[RWL1: The Karlen etal Reference 29 is to the Pacala-Socolow discussion of 
wedges (sometimes also used for CDR). I think this was intended as a throw-away 
sentence. I am pretty sure that Karlen has more sophistication on the problem 
than suggested by this single sentence - since the entire rest of the paper is 
on a CDR approach. 
Reference 30 leads one to this site: 
which has a huge number of cites. I found 80 cites related to "biochar", but 
only one related to "geoenegineering". I conclude that geoengineering is not 
doing a very good job talking to soil scientists.] 

Also if CROPS is a bad idea, shall we also try to halt the 0.5 Gt/yr of 
terrestrial org C (1.8 Gt/yr CO2 equivalent) that is currently washing into the 
ocean and being stored, thus risk its terrestrial decomposition and return to 
the atmosphere? 
[RWL2: I catch your point, but I still would have to say "yes" - we should try 
to halt that "washing". I guess there is a lot of char in that total (being 
light weight) - that would do more long term good staying in the soil and amy 
do no good in the ocean. But two other things are washing away with the organic 
C: a) lots of fertilizer (causing dead zones around the world) and b) lots of 
soil. Immediately following the paragraph you cite, is this caption for their 
Figure 1: 
"FIGURE 1. Silt-laden rivers in China, where for over 40 centuries people lived 
in harmony with their land, now lose 18 kg of farmable soil via erosion for 
every 1 kg of food eaten." 
It wouldn't surprise me that there is a similar statistic for Iowa. Biochar 
isn't the whole solution, but is regularly listed as being helpful in soil 
conservation (as rainfall can better enter the soil).] 

For what it's worth, my own philosophy is: for environmental and societal 
reasons, never send in biology to do a job that geochemistry does more 
effectively and safely (but not more quickly without our help). Yet under the 
circumstances, would welcome being proven wrong. 
[RWL3: Since biochar and pyrolysis may fall into the category of "geochemistry" 
(or is that biogeochemistry?), and since I know so little of either 
geochemistry or biogeochemistry, I don't think I want to argue with you. But I 
don't think much of CDR is devoted to "biology" - except in the case of 
biochar. With biochar, we certainly are in need of biologists to figure out a 
lot more on how to make modern biochar as effective as the millennia-old "terra 
preta" in the Amazon. Biology is one very complicated branch of science - and 
it is important to the biochar-world that so many of Karlen's co-authors are in 
that area - many with the Agricultural Research Service (ARS). The ARS could do 
a good bit more if they had some funding labeled "biochar". Another CDR place 
we need biologists is in increasing NPP - for help on the afforestation side of 
CDR. Almost lastly, a good part of this thread is devoted to ocean biomass - 
and therefore presumably to biology. Lastly, I see a great future role for 
coupling biochar with those geochemistry approaches using rock dust. 
Greg - Sorry to not agree with much you have said this time. Ron] 


From: "" <> 
To: bhaskarmv 64 <> 
Sent: Sat, December 15, 2012 12:57:43 PM 
Subject: Re: [geo] Re: New Research on OIF 

Bhaskar and list: 

1. a. The original Strand and Benford paper that you are asking about today 
(and cited by Joshua Jacobs yesterday) is available without fee at: 

b. Shortly thereafter (in 2009, same journal, no fee) there was a pretty strong 
negative reaction against their C.R.O.P.S. approach. This objection was based 
mostly on the need to retain all crop residues for the benefit of the soil. See 
This paper's lead author was Douglas Karlen, with nine co-authors. The cite is 
Environ. Sci. Technol. 2009, 43, 8011–8015 

c. Their final four sentences (emphasis added) were: 
" We conclude that although ocean sequestration may have a role in mitigating 
atmospheric CO2 concentrations, humankind should not risk the future 
productivity of our soils by drowning crop residues. Perhaps the CROPS concept 
could be coupled with the use of a thermochemical platform for production of 
biofuel where the biochar coproduct could be used not only for CCS but also to 
remove phosphorus and other aqueous contaminants moving through the soil. The 
crucial question is whether this can be done without creating unintended 
environmental consequences. All in all, minimizing environmental changes will 
require careful study, a balanced approach, and full accounting for all 
intended and nonintended consequences. 

d. I emphasized the "biochar" part above because I had not seen this article 
until today and because biochar was also not being compared in the original 
paper by Professors Strand and Benford. Neither paper mentioned BECCS, but I 
think Karlen etal would have similarly been concerned about a failure to 
address soil improvement. Soil improvement is a (the?) big part of biochar, as 
shown in bold above. It is this last aspect that I have been anxious to talk 
further with you about as I wondered whether biochar could be made from 
fertilized ocean based resources. 

e. I hope that Professors Strand and Benford can take this opportunity to reply 
to both you and Karlen, etal. I also hope they can compare CROPS with the 
biomass options they did not originally consider: biochar, BECCS ,and local 
burial of biomass. 

2. a. Since you are really asking about CDR costs - presumably to compare with 
your approach for sequestering in oceans, I have to extend this response to 
include the citation in the Thursday message below from Wil Burns. He gave a PR 
release to a still-forthcoming paper by Australian Daniel Harrison, whose 
abstract I found at this site: 

b. The Paper abstract: 

A method for estimating the cost to sequester carbon dioxide by delivering iron 
to the ocean Order a copy of this article
by Daniel Harrison 
Abstract : If society wishes to limit the contribution of anthropogenic carbon 
dioxide to global warming then the need to find economical methods of CO2 
sequestration is now urgent. Ocean iron fertilisation has been suggested as a 
low cost mitigation option to capture and store carbon. However previous 
methods of estimating the cost fail to account for many of the losses and 
offsets occurring over the storage period. A method for calculating the net 
carbon stored from iron fertilisation of high nutrient low chlorophyll (HNLC) 
regions is provided here. The method involves first calculating the direct cost 
to create phytoplankton biomass in the surface ocean. The net amount of carbon 
stored is then calculated by considering the fraction of this carbon exported 
as deep as the permanent thermocline and subtracting losses due to: 
ventilation, nutrient stealing, greenhouse gas production, and CO2 emitted by 
the sequestration operation for a given storage period. Commonly available iron 
fertiliser delivered by ship to the Southern Ocean is considered as a case 
study using parameters derived from previous fertilisation experiments and 
modelling studies. On average, a single fertilisation is found to result in a 
net sequestration of 0.01 t C km-2 sequestered for 100 years or more at a cost 
of US$457 per tonne CO2. Iron fertilisation experiments show high variability 
in the amount of biomass created and the fraction exported to depth, the range 
of uncertainty provides a risk of more carbon released to the atmosphere than 
sequestered for 100 years, or alternatively, reduced cost if optimistic 
parameters are assumed. Previous estimates of cost fail to recognise the 
economic challenge of distributing low concentrations of iron over large areas 
of the ocean surface and the subsequent loss processes that result in only a 
small net storage of carbon per km2 fertilised. The cost could be lowered by 
the use of more energy efficient means to distribute the small amounts of iron 
required over large regions of remote ocean surface, by improving the 
performance of the iron fertiliser, or potentially by conducting fertilisation 
activities only under ideal oceanographic conditions. 
Keywords : Ocean Iron Fertilisation; Cost; Ship Delivery; Carbon Storage; 
Carbon Sequestration; Ocean Fertilisation; Nutrient Stealing; Nitrous Oxide 
Production; Biological Carbon Pump. 
Acceptance Date: 03 Dec 2012 

c. I found this $457/tonne CO2 estimate to be amazingly high - clearly one may 
be growing more biomass because of IOF, but not getting much sequestration. 
This figure would translate to more than $1300/tonne of biochar and approaching 
$1700/tonne carbon. Farmers the world over would do most anything for such 

3. I hope we can have discussion on what these two papers are telling us for 
the world of CDR. I have just also read the latest draft 2 IPCC comparisons we 
learned about yesterday (saving that for another message). I find the same 
failure there to compare CDR techniques based on all their attributes. Here 
mainly I am talking of continuing out-year CDR benefits, but also we/they 
should be talking about carbon neutral energy benefits. All CDR/geoengineering 
analyses should be based on more than sequestration and its cost. 


----- Original Message -----
From: "M V Bhaskar" <> 
Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2012 4:08:15 AM 
Subject: [geo] Re: New Research on OIF 


How is Ocean Sequestration of Crop Residue related to OIF - Ocean Iron 

I wonder how Ocean Sequestration of crop residue is regarded as economical. 
Farm land is generally deep inland - US Midwest, etc., the cost of transporting 
the crop residue to deep ocean for sequestration would be very high. 

How would you put it into the depths of the ocean? 



On Friday, 14 December 2012 23:30:30 UTC+5:30, Joshua Jacobs wrote: 

Despite its shortcomings, OIF may have a role. 

I don't know if the following research has been followed up on: 

Ocean Sequestration of Crop Residue Carbon: 
Recycling Fossil Fuel Carbon Back to Deep Sediments 

Stuard E. Strand, Gregory Benford 

For significant impact any method to remove CO 2 from the atmosphere must 
process large amounts of carbon efficiently, be repeatable, sequester carbon 
for thousands of years, be practical, economical and be implemented soon. The 
only method that meets these criteria is removal of crop residues and burial in 
the deep ocean. We show here that this method is 92% efficient in sequestration 
of crop residue carbon while cellulosic ethanol production is only 32% and soil 
sequestration is about 14% efficient. Deep ocean sequestration can potentially 
capture 15% of the current global CO 2 annual increase, returning that carbon 
back to deep sediments, confining the carbon for millennia, while using 
existing capital infrastructure and technology. Because of these clear 
advantages, we recommend enhanced research into permanent sequestration of crop 
residues in the deep ocean. 

On Thursday, December 13, 2012 2:35:53 PM UTC-8, Wil Burns wrote: 
FYI. Wil

Dr. Wil Burns, Associate Director 
Master of Science - Energy Policy & Climate Program 
Johns Hopkins University 
1717 Massachusetts Avenue, NW 
Room 104J 
Washington, DC 20036 
202.663.5976 (Office phone) 
650.281.9126 (Mobile)
SSRN site (selected publications): 

Skype ID: Wil.Burns 

Teaching Climate/Energy Law & Policy Blog: 


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