And although not directly geoengineering (as such), an article came out 
recently that may be of interest for those looking into any kind of impacts of 
geoengineering related to temperature, precip, agriculture, and so on, using 
CMIP5 models (or even CMIP3 models):
Implications of regional improvement in global climate models for agricultural 
impact research
Julian Ramirez-Villegas1,2,3, Andrew J Challinor2,3, Philip K Thornton1,4 and 
Andy Jarvis1,2

Global climate models (GCMs) have become increasingly important for climate 
change science and provide the basis for most impact studies. Since impact 
models are highly sensitive to input climate data, GCM skill is crucial for 
getting better short-, medium- and long-term outlooks for agricultural 
production and food security. The Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) 
phase 5 ensemble is likely to underpin the majority of climate impact 
assessments over the next few years. We assess 24 CMIP3 and 26 CMIP5 
simulations of present climate against climate observations for five tropical 
regions, as well as regional improvements in model skill and, through 
literature review, the sensitivities of impact estimates to model error. 
Climatological means of seasonal mean temperatures depict mean errors between 1 
and 18 ° C (2–130% with respect to mean), whereas seasonal precipitation and 
wet-day frequency depict larger errors, often offsetting observed means and 
variability beyond 100%. Simulated interannual climate variability in GCMs 
warrants particular attention, given that no single GCM matches observations in 
more than 30% of the areas for monthly precipitation and wet-day frequency, 50% 
for diurnal range and 70% for mean temperatures. We report improvements in mean 
climate skill of 5–15% for climatological mean temperatures, 3–5% for diurnal 
range and 1–2% in precipitation. At these improvement rates, we estimate that 
at least 5–30 years of CMIP work is required to improve regional temperature 
simulations and at least 30–50 years for precipitation simulations, for these 
to be directly input into impact models. We conclude with some recommendations 
for the use of CMIP5 in agricultural impact studies.


Simon Driscoll
Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics
Department of Physics
University of Oxford

Office: +44 (0) 1865 272930
Mobile: +44 (0) 7935314940
From: [] on 
behalf of Simon Driscoll []
Sent: 01 August 2013 19:58
To: Fred Zimmerman; geoengineering
Subject: RE: [geo] RE: Geoengineering carries unknown consequences

Hi Fred,

"action with some degree of error is preferable to the likely consequences of 

as a general rule to apply everywhere, of course, that statement does not hold 
at all - and very obviously so.

I can't speak on behalf of the author of course, but I suppose he would say 
something along the following lines, which I agree with:

Thinking about action or inaction is often better than not thinking about 
action or inaction. There are, of course, many specific cases/hypothetical 
scenarios in all arenas where action is definitely preferable and many cases 
where action is definitely not preferable. To make the jump from thinking about 
action or inaction (vs. not thinking) to something closer to what you say for 
this specific issue: simply action or inaction, definitely requires a certain 
knowledge about the system.

Here again I can't speak on his behalf, but I would believe the author himself 
would suggest that we don't have that knowledge, from what he says in his paper 
looking into the basic physics of the models.

Best wishes,



Simon Driscoll
Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics
Department of Physics
University of Oxford

Office: +44 (0) 1865 272930
Mobile: +44 (0) 7935314940
From: Fred Zimmerman []
Sent: 01 August 2013 19:36
To: Simon Driscoll; geoengineering
Subject: Re: [geo] RE: Geoengineering carries unknown consequences

How would you respond to the objection (which I am sure you have encountered 
frequently) that action with some degree of error is preferable to the likely 
consequences of inaction?

Fred Zimmerman
Geoengineering IT!
Bringing together the worlds of geoengineering and information technology
GE NewsFilter:

On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 2:14 PM, Simon Driscoll 
<<>> wrote:
And a link to the referenced paper:

"Until now, climate model intercomparison has focused primarily on annual and 
global averages of various quantities or on specific components, not on how 
well the general dynamics in the models compare to each other. In order to 
address how well models agree when it comes to the dynamics they generate, we 
have adopted a new approach based on climate networks. We have considered 28 
pre-industrial control runs as well as 70 20th-century forced runs from 23 
climate models and have constructed networks for the 500 hPa, surface air 
temperature (SAT), sea level pressure (SLP), and precipitation fields for each 
run. We then employed a widely used algorithm to derive the community structure 
in these networks. Communities separate “nodes” in the network sharing similar 
dynamics. It has been shown that these communities, or sub-systems, in the 
climate system are associated with major climate modes and physics of the 
atmosphere (Tsonis AA, Swanson KL, Wang G, J Clim 21: 2990–3001 in 2008; Tsonis 
AA, Wang G, Swanson KL, Rodrigues F, da Fontura Costa L, Clim Dyn, 37: 933–940 
in 2011; Steinhaeuser K, Ganguly AR, Chawla NV, Clim Dyn 39: 889–895 in 2012). 
Once the community structure for all runs is derived, we use a pattern matching 
statistic to obtain a measure of how well any two models agree with each other. 
We find that, with the possible exception of the 500 hPa field, consistency for 
the SAT, SLP, and precipitation fields is questionable. More importantly, none 
of the models comes close to the community structure of the actual observations 
(reality). This is a significant finding especially for the temperature and 
precipitation fields, as these are the fields widely used to produce future 
projections in time and in space."

Best wishes,



Simon Driscoll
Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics
Department of Physics
University of Oxford

Office: +44 (0) 1865 272930<tel:%2B44%20%280%29%201865%20272930>
Mobile: +44 (0) 7935314940<tel:%2B44%20%280%29%207935314940>
[<>] on 
behalf of Simon Driscoll [<>]
Sent: 01 August 2013 19:06
Subject: [geo] Geoengineering carries unknown consequences

The physicists out there may have already seen this short article: (also copied down 
below) which may be of interest to group members.

Best wishes,



I read with interest David Kramer’s piece on geoengineering (Physics Today, 
February 2013, page 17<>). I must say, I am 
more alarmed by what the geoengineers in his report are proposing than by the 
climate changes that are taking place. I believe geoengineers are removed from 
scientific reality. They ignore the fact that the climate system and its 
components—clouds, hurricanes, and so forth—are highly nonlinear and thus very 
sensitive to the initial conditions and to changes in the parameters. 
Nevertheless, one could study the system’s response in a probabilistic way when 
certain parameters are changed or when we introduce fluctuations, if the 
relationships among all the components are known exactly.

And here lies the whole problem with geoengineering. The formulation of the 
climate system and its components is only approximately known. More than 30 
climate models are floating around in the climate community, and their 
predictions about general dynamics simply don’t agree with each other. In a 
publication,1<> we 
considered 98 control and forced climate simulations from 23 climate models and 
examined their similarity in four different fields (upper-level flow, sea-level 
pressure, surface air temperature, and precipitation). We found that except for 
the upper-level flow, the agreement between the models is not good. Moreover, 
none of the models compares well with actual observations.

One person in the Physics Today story said that geoengineering may result in 
changes in various weather patterns, but nobody knows what the changes are 
going to be and how they will affect the climate system. If the warming in the 
Arctic is a big event to mitigate, then it will require a significant 
“geoengineering” effort. To me, that means significant changes will occur 
elsewhere. Who can say whether those changes will be less serious than those 
taking place now? How can geoengineers talk about modifying clouds and albedo 
when clouds are represented in the climate models as mostly linear 

Kramer’s report did not mention hurricanes, but geoengineers also propose to 
dissipate them. Hurricanes are unique in the climate system because they 
represent major self-organization. As physicists well know, self-organization 
occurs in dissipative systems in which energy is not conserved but instead is 
exchanged with the environment. Hurricanes involve huge amounts of energy. 
Scientists have little idea how the atmosphere and the ocean will be affected 
if that energy is not allowed to be exchanged.

I would not have a problem with geoengineering if the physics and dynamics of 
the climate system were well known. Climate scientists have a good idea of the 
large-scale flow of ocean currents, but detailed measurements are not 
available. They know the basic physics of cloud formation and its 
thermodynamics but do not fully understand detailed cloud microphysics or the 
complex connections between climate and ecosystems. And with complex nonlinear 
systems, details are important. So we need to make an effort to improve our 
understanding of our climate system and its components before we try to operate 
on it. We can engineer a car or a plane because we know the underlying physics 
of motion, combustion, and flight, and we understand the role of every 
component. Can geoengineers say the same about climate?


Simon Driscoll
Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics
Department of Physics
University of Oxford

Office: +44 (0) 1865 272930<tel:%2B44%20%280%29%201865%20272930>
Mobile: +44 (0) 7935314940<tel:%2B44%20%280%29%207935314940>

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