Dear Ken:
I love your scheme.
1. Don't shut off current GHG emitters faster than they are being curtailed.

2. Don't allow more GHG emitting devices to be built.

3 Use Geo as a last resort, as a sort of hand on the brake

In theory, very sensible.

Do I have it right?

I must think about it, and ask some questions.
The best,

From: Ken Caldeira 
Reply-To: "<>" 
Date: Wednesday, September 11, 2013 1:51 PM
To: Andrew Lockley <<>>
Cc: Google Group 
Subject: Re: [geo] Linking solar geoengineering and emissions reduction

Note that I did not require decarbonization of the economy as a pre-requisite 
for deployment as my proposal allows existing CO2-emitting devices to continue 
being used.  I merely required that we stop building new CO2-emitting devices.

My point is that if climate change is enough of an emergency to require rapid 
deployment of solar geoengineering then it is also enough of an emergency to 
stop building devices that will exacerbate that emergency.

If we are doing solar geoengineering at the same time as we are building new 
fossil-fueled power plants that use the atmosphere as a waste dump, how do you 
assure that the solar geoengineering system does not facilitate continued 
production of those devices?

Ken Caldeira

Carnegie Institution for Science
Dept of Global Ecology
260 Panama Street, Stanford, CA 94305 USA
+1 650 704 7212<>  @kencaldeira

On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 1:25 PM, Andrew Lockley 
<<>> wrote:


We need to control temperatures far more quickly than we can hope to 
decarbonise the economy.

Are you seriously trying to argue that every car factory in the world needs to 
close before we can do any SRM at all? That seems entirely implausible.

Perhaps more sensible to suggest that emissions growth be capped (possibly at 
zero) before geoengineering starts.

As I see it  the 'buy time' argument for SRM is a strong one. We need to stop 
temperatures increasing *whilst * we decarbonise.


On Sep 11, 2013 5:36 PM, "Ken Caldeira" 
<<>> wrote:
We do not want to be in a situation where a solar geoengineering system is used 
to enable continued increases in CO2 emissions.

Therefore, a reasonable demand is that no new smokestacks or tailpipes be built 
after a solar geoengineering system is deployed.

Another way of phrasing this is to demand that new construction of all new 
CO2-emitting devices cease prior to any solar geoengineering system deployment.

This would help address the concern that solar geoengineering could provide 
cover for continued expansion of CO2-emitting industries.

Norms that would prevent simultaneous solar geoengineering deployment and 
increasing CO2 emissions would help diminish the likelihood of bad outcomes and 
could help broaden political support for solar geoengineering research.


This would limit deployment of solar geoengineering systems to the case of 
"catastrophic" outcomes and would not permit use of solar geoengineering for 
"peak shaving" amid promises of future reductions in CO2 emissions.  Thus, this 
proposal does have a substantive implications for "peak shaving" strategies.


I am floating this idea without being certain that the formulation presented 
here is the best possible formulation.

Ken Caldeira

Carnegie Institution for Science
Dept of Global Ecology
260 Panama Street, Stanford, CA 94305 USA
+1 650 704 7212<tel:%2B1%20650%20704%207212><>  @kencaldeira

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