on Clive Hamilton’s paper on Heidegger and Geoengineering 
The main
value I found in Hamilton’s paper is its analysis of Heidegger’s discussion of 
and “earth”.  We routinely see these as
the same, but the difference is that ‘world’ is a constructed cultural idea,
whereas earth is a physical natural reality.  The problem of climate change is 
that our dominant concept of world,
grounded in the fossil fuel economy, is unsustainable within the physical
reality of earth.
Hamilton states: “If ‘world grounds itself on earth, and earth juts through
world’, then the climate crisis is the jutting through.” (p1)  That is a 
correct and important statement
that global warming reveals the falsity of our constructed world, as physics 
‘juts through’
into economics and politics, showing the need for a paradigm shift to ground
world in earth.  
then Hamilton makes an incorrect inference: “geoengineering is a last attempt
to deny it, a vain attempt to take control of destiny rather than enter a free
relation with technology. In that lies the danger.” (p1)  This is vague and 
especially the “free relation with technology”, a phrase that Hamilton never
defines, and which seems meaningless.  Geoengineering,
focussed just on Solar Radiation Management (SRM) in Hamilton’s paper, is more
like an emergency tourniquet on the bleeding emergency of the global climate
than an attempt to exercise control over the earth.  His assertion that SRM is 
'a vain attept to take control' involves a
systematic misreading.  
next comment in Hamilton's paper that I wish to discuss is: “it remained 
possible, for
those who retained a residual sense of ‘enchantment’, to cling to the idea that
meaningless resources were embedded in a world of incalculable and infinite
meaning.”  Scientific readers will
consider this to be gobbledegook, and I struggle to read it myself.  But the 
point of it seems to be that the “meaning”
of resources rests in us considering them poetically, rather than as stuff for
use.  Poetry in this context is all about
enchantment, a magical sense of the sacred - as 'incalculable and infinite'.  
Hamilton’s complaint is that geoengineering supports a mechanistic
worldview in which enchantment remains marginal and decisions are based on 
quantifiable evidence.  Make of that what you will.
So his
next statement: “With solar radiation management this pre-modern remnant is
finally swept away.” (p12)   Clive’s objection is that modern science is
completing its project of replacing magic with reason.  He displays a romantic 
attachment to a seemingly religious sense
of world as mystery, objecting to global systematic remedies - rather as Keats
complained about Newton unweaving the rainbow. 
the nub of Hamilton's objection appears in the statement “Understood 
geoengineering is a kind of covering-over... to protect the
fossil fuel industries and the lifestyles built on them.” (p14)  Here we see 
straw man logic in its crudest
form.  Hamilton seems to think the
purpose of SRM is to perpetuate fossil fuel energy.  In this he wilfully 
ignores the statements by
advocates that SRM is an interim emergency measure aimed at preventing
catastrophe, while sustainable solutions, such as carbon dioxide removal, are
psychoanalysis of geoengineers suggests their stated intent ‘covers over’ their
real concealed intent as industry shills for big oil. This is most helpful in 
showing the
mode of thinking of critics of science, assuming an ideological motive against
all evidence.  
There is a real issue
with the sustainability of SRM.  Ocean acidification means rising emissions are 
not sustainable even
with SRM.  But that is irrelevant to the possible need for SRM as a short term
measure to buy time and prevent dangerous feedback loops such as are threatened
by the melting of the Arctic.
Clive says “by bringing to its full realisation the program of Enframing the
geoengineers seek to shore up the modern way of seeing the world and thereby
keep hidden the ‘more primal truth’37 that
science and technology have always concealed. And the technological cover-up is
taking place just as the pressure for the more primal truth to burst forth
becomes most intense.” (p14)  
concept of ‘enframing’ (Gestell) is central to Heidegger’s work. But 
unfortunately this ‘more primal truth’,
discussed by Heidegger in mystical terms as the meaning of Being, has the
character of a religious revelation.  So
it is hardly surprising that Hamilton would like to return to an enchanted
universe. Heidegger defines the frame of meaning in different ways, either as
the inauthentic technological attempt to control nature, in which we lose our 
of meaning with the cosmos, or as the authentic Being of the fourfold, ‘earth
and sky, man and Gods’. 
Heidegger was the founder of systematic existential philosophy.  So it
is more than ironic that the great existential crisis of the modern world, the
need to shift to a sustainable regulation of atmospheric carbon, is interpreted
by Hamilton in a way that confuses and belittles the real scientific efforts to 
come to
grips with the existential emergency of climate change.
comments draw on my Master of Arts Honours Degree from Macquarie University for
a thesis on The Place of Ethics in Heidegger’s Ontology, my finalist proposal 
in the 2013 MIT Geoengineering competition, my review of Hamilton’s book 
Earthmasters and my current work for the Australian Government in the energy 
and resources
section of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.  These are solely my 
personal views.


 From: Andrew Lockley <>
To: geoengineering <> 
Sent: Sunday, 19 January 2014 7:31 PM
Subject: [geo] What Would Heidegger Say About Geoengineering? Clive Hamilton | 
What Would Heidegger Say About Geoengineering? Clive Hamilton 
Abstract: Proposals to respond to climate change by geoengineering the Earth’s 
climate system, such as by regulating the amount of sunlight reaching the 
planet, may be seen as a radical fulfillment of Heidegger’s understanding of 
technology as destiny. Before geoengineering was conceivable, the Earth as a 
whole had to be representable as a total object, an object captured in climate 
models that form the epistemological basis for climate engineering. 
Geoengineering is thinkable because of the ever-tightening grip of Enframing, 
Heidegger’s term for the modern epoch of Being. Yet, by objectifying the world 
as a whole, geoengineering goes beyond the mere representation of nature as 
‘standing reserve’; it requires us to think Heidegger further, to see 
technology as a response to disorder breaking through. If in the climate crisis 
nature reveals itself to be a sovereign force then we need a phenomenology from 
nature’s point of view. If ‘world
 grounds itself on earth, and earth juts through world’, then the climate 
crisis is the jutting through, and geoengineering is a last attempt to deny it, 
a vain attempt to take control of destiny rather than enter a free relation 
with technology. In that lies the danger.  

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