Dear Mike,

I don't understand this suggestion. Because of the shorter sulfate lifetime than in the stratosphere (even if it is more than the 1 week you get for surface injections), you would require a much larger sulfur injection for the same radiative forcing as compared to the stratosphere, and a much larger resulting acid deposition in remote areas. And how could you be guaranteed to maintain the emissions from a lot of stacks from small enterprises that would keep changing over time based on business variations and local environmental laws? This seems to be a much riskier strategy even than stratospheric injections from a centralized operation.

And why would you think most removal would be in the ITCZ? That would require the sulfate to enter the ITCZ from the surface in specific tropical regions.


Alan Robock, Distinguished Professor
  Editor, Reviews of Geophysics
  Director, Meteorology Undergraduate Program
Department of Environmental Sciences             Phone: +1-848-932-5751
Rutgers University                                 Fax: +1-732-932-8644
14 College Farm Road                  E-mail:
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8551  USA
Watch my 18 min TEDx talk at

On 8/5/2014 2:39 PM, Mike MacCracken wrote:
Re: [geo] A Win-Win research program proposal on SRM (sunlight reflection methods) Regarding this proposal for sustaining the sulfate cooling influence, the suggestion on this that I have been making for several years (see refs below, among others) is similar: rather than having a relatively high sulfate loading concentrated over populated areas, inject SO2 above the boundary layer (important to promote a longer lifetime) to create thinner sulfate layers over much larger remote areas of the ocean (e.g., over the Pacific and Indian Oceans), hoping to promote both clear sky and cloudy sky brightness. Doing this over the ocean would take advantage of its low albedo so that the sulfates would not be offsetting reflected solar radiation from the surface. Doing this over larger areas and at lower loadings would tend to moderate the change in energy in a given area, although there would need to be testing of this. Most removal might come in ITCZ rains, mostly over the ocean.

Mike MacCracken

MacCracken, M. C., 2009: Beyond Mitigation: Potential Options for Counter-Balancing the Climatic and Environmental Consequences of the Rising Concentrations of Greenhouse Gases, Background Paper to the 2010 World Development Report, Policy Research Working Paper (RWP) 4938, The World Bank, Washington, DC, May 2009, 43 pp.

MacCracken, M. C., 2009: On the possible use of geoengineering to moderate specific climate change impacts, /Environmental Research Letters/, *4* (October-December 2009) 045107 doi:10.1088/1748-9326/4/4/045107 [].

MacCracken, M. C., 2011: Potential Applications of Climate Engineering Technologies to Moderation of Critical Climate Change Impacts, IPCC Expert Meeting on Geoengineering, 20-22 June 2011, Lima, Peru, pages 55-56 in Meeting Report, edited by O. Edenhofer, R. Pichs-Madruga, Y. Sokona, C. Field, V. Barros, T. F. Stocker, Q. Dahe, J. Minx, K. Mach, G.-K. Plattner, S. Schlömer, G. Hansen, and M. Mastrandrea, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Geneva, Switzerland.

On 8/1/14 8:53 AM, "ecologist" <> wrote:

    Currently, anthropogenic tropospheric aerosols present both Dr
    Jekyll and Mr Hyde faces.

    On the one hand, tropospheric aerosols play an important role on
    climate, with a net cooling radiative forcing effect.
    On the other hand, tropospheric aerosols affect terrestrial
    ecosystems and human health and are associated with increased
    heart, lung and respiratory diseases, which lead to disablement
    and numerous premature human deaths (Shindell et al, 2012).

    Consequently, reducing anthropogenic tropospheric aerosols
    emissions, on the one hand will lead to a positive forcing
    (warming) at local and regional scale, and on the other hand will
    save numerous lives and significantly reduce health costs.

    *What is proposed is to investigate means whereby the cooling
    effect of current emissions is kept unchanged and their
    deleterious effects are reduced,* using only modifications of
    existing industrial aerosols emitters. Key advantages of such
    investigations are that they avoid most of the roadblocks
    associated with SRM.
    So, what is proposed is a Win-Win research program that will at
    the same time allow indirect geoengineering research, and reduce
    tropospheric pollution.
    /(Important remark: it is not proposed to perform CCS, or CDR).
    This is so, because the current anthropogenic tropospheric
    sulphate aerosol emissions are estimated to be _almost two orders
    of magnitude larger_ than requested by Stratospheric Particle
    Injection geoengineering schemes to offset the effects of a 2 X
    CO2 (carbon dioxide concentration doubling in the atmosphere).
    Thus the strategy to reduce current sulphate _tropos_pheric
    emissions and at the same time to keep their current cooling
    effects will be like performing indirect climate engineering
    without the need to artificially inject sulphates in the

    Now, the radiative forcing due to sulphate aerosols is estimated
    to be -0.4 W/m2 with a range of -0.2 to -0.8 W/m2.
    On a global average basis, the sum of direct and indirect
    radiative forcing at the top of atmosphere by anthropogenic
    aerosols is estimated to be -1.2 W/m2 [-2.4 to -0.6 W/m2]
    (*cooling*) over the period of 1750 - 2000. This is significant
    when compared to the positive (*warming*) forcing of +2.63 [±0.26]
    W/m2 by anthropogenic long-lived greenhouse gases over the same
    period [Forster et al., 2007].
    In heavily polluted regions, aerosol cooling overwhelms greenhouse
    warming [Ramanathan et al., 2001; Li et al., 2010].

    The tropospheric aerosol lifetimes are approximately 1 to 2 weeks,
    which is quite shorter. Therefore, these current human made
    aerosols have an uneven distribution, both horizontally and
    vertically, and are more concentrated near their source regions
    over continents and in the boundary layer.
    *Emission reductions of aerosols in the troposphere will lead to a
    positive forcing (warming), unless the sulphates lifetimes are
    increased and their horizontal and vertical distribution are
    improved. Whilst the particulates are removed, some part of the
    sulphates can be lofted higher to where they can act as a
    solar-reflective shield to cool larger regions.
    To do so, what is proposed is to model the effects of a
    theoretical fivefold aerosols emission reduction (80% removal of
    sulphates, NOx, and > 95% removal of soot, black carbon, ash...)
    by adding filters or electrostatic precipitators to the flue stack
    of a majority of fossil fuel fired power plants, for adequate
    particulate filtering and scrubbing, and *at the same time
    increasing the height release of sulphates for a reduced number of
    other power plant stacks in order to allow these (20% SOx)
    emissions to over pass the boundary layer and stay longer in the

    This can be__performed by the use of taller chimneys allowing the
    flue gases to pass the boundary layer, so that the impact of a
    regional emission reduction is not confined to the region itself,
    by allows intercontinental transport (long-range transport) of
    these sulphates _produced by existing anthropogenic aerosols_.
    Several other possibilities exist to increase the height release
    and dilution of gas emissions from flue stacks.
    *This strategy was proposed in page 818-819 of an _open access
    Fighting global warming by climate engineering.
    Two figures are attached to summarize this research proposal

    Public perception of SRM climate engineering is often presented as
    Ulysses choices between the perils of Scylla and Charybdis,
    despite the very good cooling potential to mitigate global
    warming, and the high effectiveness and accessibility of
    geoengineering schemes consisting of the stratospheric injection
    of sulphate aerosols.
    The Win-Win strategy proposed here may change this perception at
    the same time as helping to advance CE research...

    Renaud de_Richter, PhD

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