Hi Daniele, 

I'm the other co-founder of Make Sunsets, I was the one that wrote that 
post. Apologies I misspoke and the tweet has been deleted. We plan on 
releasing balloon spec soon. Thank you for your concern, we will do better 
next time.

Best regards,
Andrew Song
Co-Founder of Make Sunsets

On Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 9:40:40 AM UTC-8 daniele...@gmail.com 

> Folks, while you are giving free ideas to these people (not necessarily 
> good ones - please go take a look at recent research about hydrogen GWP and 
> impact on stratospheric compostion 
> https://acp.copernicus.org/articles/22/9349/2022/) you might want to be 
> aware that at the first hint of questions on this mailing list and on 
> Twitter they quickly switched from “we’ll openly publish all our data” to 
> “gives us 10k to know just the brand of the balloons we’re using” 
> https://twitter.com/makesunsets/status/1608513289247686657?s=46&t=m_d3Xnwl0uI3AfdgdF-nZg
> (The balloons that were claimed to be reusable and suddenly aren’t)
> which I would say should clarify all we need to know and perhaps stop 
> engaging with them in good faith?
> A reminder that what this community is trying to claim first and foremost 
> is how fundamental total transparency is in this field to build trust. 
> Daniele 
> [image: image0.jpeg]
> On 29 Dec 2022, at 07:16, Stephen Salter <s.sa...@ed.ac.uk> wrote:
> Andrew
> The survival rate for the Hindenburg was much higher than for aircraft 
> fuelled with kerosene because its lightness means it leaks upwards. Heavy 
> vapours like propane or butane are very much more dangerous if they sink 
> into cellars or bilges. The hydrogen flame has a very low emissivity. No 
> pump is needed. I can give you a valve design weighing less than one gram. 
> Think open prairie for launching.
> Stephen
> *From:* Andrew Lockley <andrew....@gmail.com> 
> *Sent:* 29 December 2022 11:05
> *To:* Stephen Salter <s.sa...@ed.ac.uk>
> *Cc:* Luke Iseman <lu...@lukeiseman.com>; geoengineering <
> geoengi...@googlegroups.com>
> *Subject:* Re: [geo] Make Sunsets: Clarifications!
> *This email was sent to you by someone outside the University.* 
> You should only click on links or attachments if you are certain that the 
> email is genuine and the content is safe.
> Large weather balloons don't have much over pressure relative to volume, 
> so venting is a challenge. Valves and pumps add weight. Hydrogen has ground 
> handling risks, due to flammability (Hindenberg), and any leaks risk 
> buoyancy loss and the canopy descending loaded. The most extreme scenario 
> is that an out of control failed balloon descends into an enclosed building 
> through an open door, skylight, or Courtyard. In windy conditions, drift 
> into a small industrial unit is perfectly possible, through the roller 
> shutter doors - which could be automatically or accidentally closed behind, 
> trapping the balloon and its flammable payload. This could allow a loaded 
> canopy to leak out into a fully enclosed space, with ignition risks. 
> While such scenarios appear outlandish, with thousands or millions of 
> launches, they become real risks.
> Andrew 
> On Thu, 29 Dec 2022, 10:19 Stephen Salter, <s.sa...@ed.ac.uk> wrote:
> Hi
> I do not understand the bit about bursting. Control of a venting valve 
> protects the balloon and allows release at the chosen altitude.
> Helium is irreplaceable and needed for super cooling. Is there a reason 
> not to use hydrogen? 
> Stephen
> *Emeritus Professor of Engineering Design*
> *School of Engineering*
> *University of Edinburgh*
> *Mayfield Road*
> *Edinburgh EH9 3DW*
> *Scotland*
> *0131 650 5704 or 0131 662 1180*
> *YouTube Jamie Taylor Power for Change*
> *From:* geoengi...@googlegroups.com <geoengi...@googlegroups.com> *On 
> Behalf Of *Daniele Visioni
> *Sent:* 28 December 2022 23:51
> *To:* lu...@lukeiseman.com
> *Cc:* geoengineering <geoengi...@googlegroups.com>
> *Subject:* Re: [geo] Make Sunsets: Clarifications!
> *This email was sent to you by someone outside the University.* 
> You should only click on links or attachments if you are certain that the 
> email is genuine and the content is safe.
> Luke,
> I will keep finding this rather murky as long as you keep being so 
> hand-wavy about your numbers and then claiming you can offset a 
> “substantial amount of warming” in your homepage.
> Weather balloons have different bursting altitudes depending on 1) payload 
> 2) amount of helium used to inflate 3) material.
> You can find an example here with a calculator down below that lets you 
> calculate max bursting height based on inflation
>  https://www.highaltitudescience.com/products/near-space-balloon-1200-g
> Which balloons did you use?
> How much did you inflate them?
> Did you check with the producer if the mix of SO₂ and He in the balloon 
> would affect their calculations, and if so how?
> The forcing we’re talking about changes depending on altitude of release 
> as well: at 19 it’s different than at 25 (and depending on your definition, 
> sometimes the tropopause is above 18km..), and above 29km sulfate aerosols 
> evaporate because temperatures are too high to form liquid aerosols. If the 
> balloon doesn’t burst at the right altitude, what would happen to the 
> oxidized S is not so simple - frankly I don’t know the answer off the top 
> of my head, there are a few factors that could influence this. Do you have 
> studies showing what would happen there based on lack of water vapor and 
> different temperature and OH levels?
> If you don’t - and you don’t have any tools to measure it yet - maybe you 
> should at least tone down the claims already present on your website?
> For some ranges of stratospheric releases of sulfate we have some numbers 
> for SAI we can be somewhat confident about - not just in term of the 
> forcing but in terms of downstream effects on the stratospheric composition 
> - but this may not be true for what you are proposing or claiming you are 
> doing.
> Lastly, in your Twitter account you claimed in a post 2 days ago that 
> there are “supporters and scientists who believe in you”.  I would avoid 
> claiming you have the support of scientists if you don’t - or show proofs 
> if you do.  As far as any scientist I know is concerned they don’t seem 
> particularly impressed - and your lack of clarity goes against any of the 
> calls for open and transparent research (not to mention inclusive decision 
> making) this community has asked in previous public statements.
> Daniele 
> On 28 Dec 2022, at 18:09, Luke Iseman <lu...@lukeiseman.com> wrote:
> Thanks Andrew, Olivier, Bala, and everyone else for diving in with 
> critiques here. I'm a cofounder of Make Sunsets and want to clarify a few 
> things: 
> *Honesty: *
> We have no desire to mislead anyone. If we make a mistake (which we will), 
> we'll correct it. 
> *Radiative Forcing:*
> I didn't make this "gram offsets a ton" number up. It comes from David 
> Keith's research:
> "a gram of aerosol in the stratosphere, delivered perhaps by high-flying 
> jets, could offset the warming effect of a ton of carbon dioxide, a factor 
> of 1 million to 1." 
> <https://keith.seas.harvard.edu/news/whats-right-temperature-earth>
> and, again: "Geoengineering’s leverage is very high—one gram of particles 
> in the stratosphere prevents the warming caused by a ton of carbon dioxide." 
> <https://longnow.org/seminars/02015/feb/17/patient-geoengineering/>
> By stating "offsetting the warming effect of 1 ton of carbon for 1 year," 
> I was trying to be more conservative than Professor Keith. I am correcting 
> "carbon" to read "carbon dioxide" on the cooling credit description right 
> now, and I'm adding a paragraph at the start of the post stating that 
> estimates vary, but a leading researcher cites a gram offsetting a ton. 
> For the several hundred dollars of cooling credits we've already sold, 
> I'll be providing evidence to each purchaser that I've delivered at least 2 
> grams per cooling credit. 
> Olivier, or anyone else: I'd be happy to post something by you to our blog 
> explaining what you estimate the radiative forcing of 1g so2 released at 
> 20km altitude from in or near the tropics will be and why. I will include 
> language of your choosing explaining that you in no way endorse what we are 
> doing.
> I very much hope to get suggestions from this community on instrumentation 
> we should fly to improve the state of the science here. Again, I'm happy to 
> do this with disclaimers about how researchers we fly things for are not 
> endorsing our efforts. Or even without revealing who the researchers are: 
> we'll fly test instruments and provide data, no questions asked:)
> *Telemetry: *
> My first 2 flights had no telemetry: in April, this was still in 
> self-funded science project territory. After burning some sulfur and 
> capturing the resultant gas, I placed this in a balloon. I then added 
> helium, underinflating the balloon substantially, and let it go. There is 
> technically a slim possibility that neither of these balloons reached the 
> stratosphere, as I acknowledged to the Technology Review reporter. I will 
> add Spot trackers to my next flights. These cut out at 18km, so I'l be able 
> to confirm that I achieve at least this altitude. If (and this is a big if) 
> I'm able to recover the balloons, I'll have a lot more data from the flight 
> computer 
> <https://www.highaltitudescience.com/collections/electronics/products/eagle-flight-computer>.
> I will eventually switch to Swarms 
> <https://www.sparkfun.com/products/19236?utm_campaign=May%206%2C%202022&utm_medium=email&_hsmi=212205037&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-9EyQOQ6C-9XuSOHa7CggOC8Pf2tEow_Fppo5pXgTHO8-7gV-aHrrYpnPcliws6Ju8j2PBAX3Tkog0oVpwk8XqWX2xo0w&utm_content=212206499&utm_source=hs_email>,
> which should let me transmit more data regardless of balloon recovery.
> *Pricing: *
> Bala, you're totally right that this should be priced much lower. We're 
> trying to make enough with our early flights to stay in business until we 
> get meaningful traction with customers, and we plan to eventually drop 
> prices to $1 per ton or less.
> *Reuse: *
> We are not yet reusing balloons, and Andrew is correct that latex UV 
> degradation will limit our ability to do so with weather balloons. Given 
> that balloon cost is our main expense per gram, even a few uses per balloon 
> will dramatically improve the economics here.
> I expect to disagree with some of you, but I hope we can do so politely 
> and assuming good intentions.
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