-1 (as used-to-be-PSC)

> As Bas said already it causes packagers headaches.

So, the solution is to take the toys away from the kids...


On 2 October 2017 at 04:49, Regina Obe <l...@pcorp.us> wrote:
> Okay I have created an RFC6 to officially drop GEOS C++ starting at GEOS 3.8  
> (so as soon as we release GEOS 3.7 (which should be next month), and flip the 
> switch, we drop the C++ headers as well so developers won't be tempted to use 
> them.
> https://trac.osgeo.org/geos/wiki/RFC6
> As Bas said already it causes packagers headaches.  It causes PostGIS 
> headaches because users can't easily migrate to newer versions of GEOS 
> because the packages they rely on e.g osm2pgsql (which is going away because 
> we broke ABI with C++ aPI between 3.5 and 3.6).
> If we can't support something, let's not provide it period.  It's disservice 
> to everybody.
> I know Sandro you think making it noisy would solve the issue.  Trust me it 
> won't.  There is so much noise with all dependencies people compile with that 
> most developers are trained to ignore them.
> The proof to them is it compiles and passes their tests.  Unless of course 
> you plan to introduce noise in production build, which makes GEOS useless 
> anyway.
> It is my understanding that only osm2pgsql (which is dropping GEOS anyway) 
> and osmium which has already dropped GEOS, were the only big projects using 
> the C++ API.  Lets not leave it in as that will just leave the whole open for 
> newer projects to start using it.
> As GEOS PSC member I vote +1 for dropping GEOS C++ API.
> Thanks,
> Regina
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