Christian Müller ha scritto:
> Hmmmmmm
> And how do you rewrite a query if the bbox param is missing ?
> e.g
> where st_area($bbox) > 100000
> or
> where anAttr = aValue or <bbox expresion>
> or
> where anAttr = aValue and <bbox expresion>
> ?

That's why I enclosed the part with the bbox in { } and
said "We allow the user to add a special part of the definition query
that is actually expanded only if a bbox filter can be extracted
from the original gt2 query"

So if there is no bbox

select id, name, url,
         ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(longitude, latitude),4326) as location
from non_spatial_table
{where longitude >= $bbox.minx and longitude <= $bbox.maxx
     and latitude >= $bbox.miny and latitude <= $bbox.maxy}

becomes just:

select id, name, url,
         ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(longitude, latitude),4326) as location
from non_spatial_table

In fact using just { } is probably a poor choice.

If we use minx, miny, max, maxy, srid instead of passing down a fully
encoded envelope  and use the {bbox} as the way to mark the
special portion of the query:

select id, name, url,
         ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(longitude, latitude),4326) as location
from non_spatial_table
{bbox} where longitude >= $minx and longitude <= $maxx
     and latitude >= $miny and latitude <= $maxy {bbox}


select id, st_buffer(geometry, 1500), name
from my_spatial_table
where flow > 143
and geometry && st_buffer(ST_MakeEnvelope($minx, $miny, $maxx, $maxy, 
$srid), 1500) {bbox}

If you don't want to add the optimization you just don't add the
{bbox}...{bbox} portion.

How does it look?


Andrea Aime
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