Hey folks, thought I would send a quick update on progress. To recap the
branch currently being worked on is here:


The branch currently contains:

  - Core upgrades to spring 4.2.5 and spring security 4.0.4
  - Upgrade to servlet api 3.0.1
  - Andreas work to migrate from mockrunner to spring-test

I also pushed a branch for geowebcache:


Although it looks like Kevin already did the work here?:


At any rate, one of those branches will be required to build the geoserver

At the moment all the core modules compile and pass tests. With the
exception of one wms test that from what I can tell was some wierd osx
failure. It would be nice if someone else could verify that though.

I’ve also run the server and everythign starts up ok, but I haven’t poked
it much harder than a quick smoke test.

There is one interesting thing that I found with spring security. The login
and logout endpoints have changed. So “/j_spring_security_check" is now
“/login” and “/j_spring_security_logout” is now “/logout”. I’m still unsure
what the backwards compatability repercussions will be with this. It looks
like those paths are configurable in some places (like if using annotation
based config) but the way we are using some of the filters it didn’t look
like they were. I was going to circle back to this.

So… next steps is to start updating extensions and community modules. The
big one being cas. @Christian: I think you have all you need on that branch
to start looking at the CAS migration. Let me know if you have any

That’s about it for now.

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