
-Jukka Rahkonen-

Lähettäjä: Andrea Aime <andrea.a...@geosolutionsgroup.com>
Lähetetty: lauantai 30. syyskuuta 2023 18.47
Vastaanottaja: Jody Garnett <jody.garn...@gmail.com>
Kopio: Torben Barsballe <torbenbarsba...@gmail.com>; Geoserver-devel 
<geoserver-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>; Alessio Fabiani 
<alessio.fabi...@geosolutionsgroup.com>; Ian Turton <ijtur...@gmail.com>; 
Rahkonen Jukka <jukka.rahko...@maanmittauslaitos.fi>; Simone Giannecchini 
<simone.giannecch...@geosolutionsgroup.com>; Nuno Oliveira 
Aihe: Re: [Geoserver-devel] Proposal [GSIP 220] - Revised Security Policy and 
CVE handling



On Sat, Sep 30, 2023 at 12:04 AM Jody Garnett 
<jody.garn...@gmail.com<mailto:jody.garn...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Reminder to vote on this topic, I understand security is a difficult topic to 
discuss in public anyone is welcome to reach out to me directly for 
questions/clarifications.  The proposal has been clarified and refined from the 
questions and response provided thus far.

Project Steering Committee:

* Alessio Fabiani:
* Andrea Aime:
* Ian Turton:
* Jody Garnett: +1 initial motion
* Jukka Rahkonen:
* Kevin Smith: +1
* Simone Giannecchini:
* Torben Barsballe: +1
* Nuno Oliveira:

Community support:

* Mark Prins: +1 "While not eligible to vote I'd like to give my thumbs-up for 
this proposal."

Jody Garnett

On Sep 22, 2023 at 9:26:35 AM, Jody Garnett 
<jody.garn...@gmail.com<mailto:jody.garn...@gmail.com>> wrote:
It has been 10 days, I would like to request an extension on this proposal as I 
believe it is good response for the project.


On Fri, Sep 15, 2023 at 11:54 AM Torben Barsballe 
<torbenbarsba...@gmail.com<mailto:torbenbarsba...@gmail.com>> wrote:

The Feedback section read as a little confusing (probably because the tone of 
the document switched from descriptive to conversational). A short blurb 
providing some context at the start, or some indication of personas throughout 
( i.e. quoted sections being identified as security researchers, etc.) would 
improve legibility. However, since this section is ultimately just examples and 
not procedure, this doesn't affect my vote one way or the other.


On Tue, Sep 12, 2023 at 2:37 PM Jody Garnett 
<jody.garn...@gmail.com<mailto:jody.garn...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Proposal is here: https://github.com/geoserver/geoserver/wiki/GSIP-220

Overview is using the GitHub "private vulnerability reporting" to assign CVE 
numbers we control to our known security issues.
Jody Garnett
Geoserver-devel mailing list



Andrea Aime

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Ing. Andrea Aime
Technical Lead

GeoSolutions Group
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