Another idea:

    Couldn't there be a more extensible way to declare a SPI provided
    function "SQL encodable" for a certain Store (e.g. PostGIS)? Maybe
    a tag interface "SqlEncodable" could do that job?

No, it does not make sense... a filter may be sql encodable in one database, but not in another, and a function is available for the whole system. I doubt there are many functions that are sql encodable in all databases we support.

Why not using N tag interfaces, one per DataStore?

You could define tag interface in plugin jdbc-postgres. This type could unconditionally be added to FilterCapabilities in createFilterCapabilities in class FilterToSqlHelper:


Implementors of plugin-defined filter functions could then implement the tag interface(s) that corresponds to the desired DataStore(s) (if available). Of course, that mechanism is not ideal for built-in functions, which aim to be generally available (aka work with DataStores). But, this is likely much simpler than implementing another SPI...

You can repeat the above steps e. g. for jdbc-oracle, jdbc-mysql, etc. But that's not a MUST - such a tag interface is not required to be available for all DataStore implementations (for me, supporting PostGIS will be sufficient *g*). But for the sake of completeness, most (major) DataSores should get their tag interface, of course.


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