You can find the email on the geoserver-devel archive:
Jody Garnett

On Dec 8, 2023 at 12:17:55 AM, Carsten Klein <> wrote:

> OK, will place a proposal there. Give me some time. Maybe I'll take the
> weekend to get it done...
> Interestingly, I do not find these mails on the geotools-devel archive at
> Would have used those under "References". Is there any other (mirror)
> archive available?
> Carsten
> Am 07.12.2023 um 23:51 schrieb Jody Garnett:
> Proposals are in the wiki here:
> Idea is to get buy in before putting a bunch of work into a change. And
> collect alternatives is there is feedback.
> Jody
> On Thu, Dec 7, 2023 at 8:50 AM Carsten Klein <> wrote:
>> Hi Jody,
>> yes, the change must be applied in GeoTools. Shall I write such a
>> proposal as a New Feature (or Wish) in Jira for the GeoTools (GEOT) project?
>> --
>> Carsten Klein
>> Am 07.12.2023 um 17:38 schrieb Jody Garnett:
>> I think this needs a geotools proposal to gather the results of this
>> thread into a form for folks to review.
>> While I could review this thread in order to chime in, it would really
>> benefit from a proposal describing proposed API / functionality change.
>> This is a geotools level change right?
>> --
>> Jody Garnett
>> On Dec 4, 2023 at 10:06:08 PM, Carsten Klein <> wrote:
>>> Hi Andrea,
>>> what's next with the SQL-encodable filter functions. You said
>>> I'll let the other core developers chime in and help with a decision.
>>> Is there anything new? Do you expect me to issue a Jira CR? Or even a
>>> ready to use patch?
>>> I'd much appreciate if someone of the core devs could make these
>>> (simple) changes, since I have not yet any experiences to hack GeoTools
>>> (and test with GeoServer). Setting up all this is perhaps much more
>>> effort than the patch itself (which a coder used to work with both
>>> projects will likely have finished in some minutes).
>>> Cheers
>>> Carsten
>>> Am 25.10.2023 um 00:52 schrieb Andrea Aime:
>>> Yes, I remember NativeFilter, there was some discussion about whether
>>> to allow
>>> that interface to exist at all, the final agreement was that, yes, ok,
>>> we can have it,
>>> as long as it's a low level programmer oriented tool, which cannot be
>>> seen by end users.
>>> And we also have a similar interface for functions called
>>> InternalFunction, which has a similar
>>> attitude, a function  that is not meant to be seen outside of code
>>> (cannot be parsed from CQL or Filter XML encoding for example)...
>>> although this one has
>>> no usage in SQL encoding.
>>> Perhaps a NativeFunction base interface could be used, to indicate
>>> that the function
>>> is not meant to be included in capabilities documents (odd usage, not
>>> working cross store),
>>> and per store sub-interfaces like PostgisNativeFunction could be used
>>> to indicate the
>>> function can be written as is in PostGIS for example.
>>> I still don't like it much in general, as its usage would be limited
>>> to vendor extensions, but
>>> I'm not going to cast a -1 either, as I see the convenience of the
>>> approach for custom
>>> GeoServer extensions.
>>> I'll let the other core developers chime in and help with a decision.
>>> Cheers
>>> Andrea
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