As you asked, i tried the following :

curl -v -u admin:geoserver -XPUT --data-ascii @/media/data/images/SPOT5/S090829143259765/SCENE01/IMAGERY.TIF

It takes some time for the curl process to end but at the end, still no store created.

I also tried
curl -v -u admin:geoserver -XPUT --data-ascii @/media/data/images/SPOT5/S090829143259765/SCENE01/IMAGERY.TIF

but same thing happened ...

On 08/31/2010 11:25 AM, David Winslow wrote:
I have not used an external upload with GeoTIFFs recently. However, I work with and on the RESTConfig API quite regularly.

The external.tiff notation cues GeoServer to accept a path to a file, which it then loads directly. ("External" as in, you uploaded the file already through a mechanism external to GeoServer.)

--data-binary @/path/to/file cues curl to send the content of a file as the body of the request.

So, this request:

    curl -v -u admin:geoserver -XPUT --data-binary

Sends an entire GeoTIFF and instructs GeoServer to treat it as a filename (which means loading it into a single string, among other things). The heap space error is not surprising after that.

However, I believe this command is getting close.  Try using:

instead of the data-binary you were passing before.

Hope this helps.

David Winslow
OpenGeo -

On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 10:13 AM, Cyril Gallay < <>> wrote:


    I tried to use external.tiff, external.geotiff, url.tiff,
    url.geotiff, used -XPUT or -XPOST method. I also tried with
    --data-ascii instead of --data-binary, but it did not work either.
    Here are some lines i tried :

    curl -u admin:geoserver -POST --data-ascii
    => i get 'Unsupported format: tiff%  '
    In fact, each time i tried with the .tiff extension i got the
    'Unsupported format' message

    curl -u admin:geoserver -XPOST --data-binary
    => I get a 'method not allowed' message

    curl -v -u admin:geoserver -XPUT --data-binary
    => with this one i get a 'Java Heap Space error'

    Have you ever succesfully done this kind of insertion in GeoServer ?

    Thanks for your help

    On 08/27/2010 10:28 AM, David Winslow wrote:
    I think there's a gap in the documentation here, but it is
    possible. Just POST the path to the file to

        curl --data-ascii="/path/to/coverage.tiff" \


    There is also url.tiff to fetch from some (possibly remote) URL.

    Hope this helps.

    David Winslow
    OpenGeo -

    On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 8:53 AM, Cyril Gallay <
    <>> wrote:

         Hi everybody,

        I'm using Curl for a while now to upload Geotiff files to
        GeoServer but
        i am stuck with one problem : each time i want to upload a
        big file
        (around 1Go or more), i get an error like the following :

        curl: option --data-binary: out of memory

        I get this error is coming from Curl which means i will not
        be able to
        upload this files with the rest plugin.
        But i keep thinking that there might be something else to do. For
        example, if i could just write the image at the right
        location on the
        disk (lets say in the geoserver data directory), would i be
        able to use
        Curl just to ask geoserver to generate the coverage store ?

        I've already tried to put the image in the right place and
        use the same
        command i use to upload image into geoserver but it looks
        like the image
        is being uploaded ... on itself. Could not Geoserver just
        create the
        coverage store without uploading the image that is already
        there ?

        Thanks for your answers


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