On Wed, 2011-06-15 at 17:21 +0200, Micka wrote:
> In my OpenLayers configuration I have :
>       // make OL compute scale according to WMS spec
>       //OpenLayers.DOTS_PER_INCH = 25.4 / 0.28;
> Is it the problem for :
> 2011-06-15 16:53:16,098 ERROR [geowebcache.GeoWebCacheDispatcher] -
> Requested horizontal resolution: 0.41655126953125005 , best match:
> 0.48828125 exceeds 10% threshold. Perhaps the client is configured
> with an incorrect set of scales (resolutions),  or the DPI setting is
> off compared to the one in GWC ?
> ??
Well I'm not sure how an error message could be more descriptive than
The exact meaning is that your WMS-C client is requesting images whose
bounds don't match the GWC configured gridset nor even by a 10%

My impression is you're perhaps trying to make the geoserver "layer
preview" generated page match the geowebcache layer, and that won't work
because the geoserver's layer preview uses it's own heuristics to set up
the layer and the gwc demo page makes it match the gridset (check the
difference between [1] and [2])

your best bet is to use the same resolutions and
OpenLayers.DOTS_PER_INCH than the gwc demo page generated for you.

Hope that helps,


> Thx,
> On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 5:00 PM, Micka <mickamus...@gmail.com> wrote:
>         Sorry, I made a mistake :
>         On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 4:58 PM, Micka <mickamus...@gmail.com>
>         wrote:
>                 Hello, I finally found the problem, I forgot to put
>                 </gwcConfiguration>  at the end of the file.
>                 But now I got :
>                 2011-06-15 16:53:16,098 ERROR
>                 [geowebcache.GeoWebCacheDispatcher] - Requested
>                 horizontal resolution: 0.41655126953125005 , best
>                 match: 0.48828125 exceeds 10% threshold. Perhaps the
>                 client is configured  with an incorrect set of scales
>                 (resolutions),  or the DPI setting is off compared to
>                 the one in GWC ?
>                 I don't understand what does it mean ?
>                 I described my layer with that :
>                        MAINLAYER  = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(
>                                          \"test\",
>                 \"http://localhost:8080/geoserver/gwc/service/wms\";,
>                                          {
>                                             LAYERS: 'TOTO_TEST',
>                                             format: 'image/png',
>                                             tiled: true
>                                          },{
>                                             buffer: 0,
>                                             displayOutsideMaxExtent:
>                 true,
>                                             isBaseLayer: true,
>                                             transitionEffect:
>                 'resize',
>                                             visibility:false
>                                          } 
>                                      );
>                 It worked before with this configuration :
>                        MAINLAYER  = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(
>                                          \"test\",
>                 \"http://localhost:8080/geoserver/wms\";,
>                                          {
>                                             LAYERS: 'TOTO_RDC',
>                                             format: 'image/png',
>                                             tiled: true
>                                          },{
>                                             buffer: 0,
>                                             displayOutsideMaxExtent:
>                 true,
>                                             isBaseLayer: true,
>                                             transitionEffect:
>                 'resize',
>                                             visibility:false
>                                          } 
>                                      );
>                 Where I am Wrong ?
>                 Thx for the help !
>                 On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 4:44 PM, Micka
>                 <mickamus...@gmail.com> wrote:
>                         Hello,
>                         Thanks for the answer :
>                         I've putted the file geowebcache.xml into :
>                         <GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR>/gwc/ 
>                         With :
>                         <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
>                         <gwcConfiguration
>                         xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";
> xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://geowebcache.org/schema/1.2.2/geowebcache.xsd";
>                         xmlns="http://geowebcache.org/schema/1.2.2";>
>                         <version>1.2.2</version>
>                         <gridSets>
>                           <gridSet>
>                             <name>EPSG:32632</name>
>                             <srs><number>32632</number></srs>
>                             <extent>
>                               <coords>
>                                 <double>-500</double>
>                                 <double>-500</double>
>                                 <double>500</double>
>                                 <double>500</double>
>                               </coords>
>                             </extent>
>                           </gridSet>
>                         </gridSets>
>                           <layers>
>                             <wmsLayer>
>                               <name>TOTO_TEST</name>
>                               <gridSubsets>
>                                 <gridSubset>
>                         <gridSetName>EPSG:32632</gridSetName>
>                                 </gridSubset>
>                               </gridSubsets>
> <wmsUrl><string>http://localhost:8080/geoserver/wms</string></wmsUrl>
>                               <wmsLayers>TOTO_RDC</wmsLayers>
>                             </wmsLayer>
>                           </layers>
>                         I got :
>                         14 Jun 16:42:09 INFO [config.XMLConfiguration]
>                         - Found configuration file
>                         in /home/mickael/geoserver_data/gwc
>                         [Fatal Error] geowebcache.xml:3:6: The
>                         processing instruction target matching
>                         "[xX][mM][lL]" is not allowed.
>                         14 Jun 16:42:09 ERROR
>                         [config.XMLConfiguration] - The processing
>                         instruction target matching "[xX][mM][lL]" is
>                         not allowed.
>                         org.geowebcache.config.ConfigurationException:
>                         Error parsing
>                         file 
> /home/mickael/geoserver_data/gwc/geowebcache.xml, top node came out as null
>                         What does that mean ?
>                         On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 3:07 PM, Arne Kepp
>                         <a...@tiledmarble.org> wrote:
>                                 Almost, there's a bit of history that
>                                 makes this convoluted. 
>                                 <gridSet>
>                                 A set of grids, or a definition of a
>                                 pyramid of tiles, if you like. One
>                                 such definition can be used by many
>                                 layers.
>                                 <gridSet><name>:
>                                 The name of the grid set. Earlier
>                                 there was only support for one gridSet
>                                 per projection (based on the way WMS-C
>                                 was defined, and how actual clients
>                                 work). The easiest is to just stick to
>                                 the EPSG-code you are going to use,
>                                 i.e. "EPSG:32632"
>                                 <gridSet><srs><number>:
>                                 This controls what SRS is sent to the
>                                 backend WMS when the cache requests
>                                 tiles, use 32632 for your case.
>                                 <gridSet><extent><coords>:
>                                 The maximum extent in the units of the
>                                 projection, Left,Bottom,Right,Top. The
>                                 entire grid will be aligned to the
>                                 bottom left coordinate.
>                                 <wmsLayer><name>
>                                 As I said initially, you *should* give
>                                 it a different name than what the
>                                 layer is called by GeoServer.
>                                 Otherwise you are trying to override
>                                 something that was configured
>                                 automatically, and that is messy.
> <wmsLayer><gridSubsets><gridSubset><gridSetName>
>                                 This references the the gridSet
>                                 defined above, use EPSG:32632.
>                                 (gridSubset = instance of gridSet,
>                                 each layer can have many)
>                                 <wmsLayer><wmsLayers>
>                                 This is what you would put as the
>                                 value for the LAYERS parameter in a
>                                 request to the backend WMS server. Can
>                                 be a single layer name, or multiple
>                                 separated by comma.
>                                 -Arne
>                                 ps. Also see
> http://geowebcache.org/schema/docs/1.2.2/index.html
>                                 On 6/14/11 10:41 AM, Micka wrote: 
>                                 > Hello,
>                                 > 
>                                 > I would like to be sure that I
>                                 > understand well what you said :
>                                 > 
>                                 > 
>                                 > i've to create and put the file
>                                 > geowebcache.xml in the
>                                 > <GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR>/gwc/ In this
>                                 > file, I've to past what you gave
>                                 > me :
>                                 > 
>                                 > 
>                                 > <?xml version="1.0"
>                                 > encoding="utf-8"?>
>                                 > <gwcConfiguration
>                                 > xmlns:xsi=MailScanner has detected a
>                                 > possible fraud attempt from
>                                 > "www.w3.org" claiming to be
>                                 > "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"; 
>                                 > 
>                                 > 
>                                 > 
>                                 > 
>                                 > 
>                                 >                   
> xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=MailScanner has detected a possible fraud 
> attempt from "geowebcache.org" claiming to be 
> "http://geowebcache.org/schema/1.2.2/geowebcache.xsd"; 
>                                 > 
>                                 > 
>                                 > 
>                                 > 
>                                 > 
>                                 >                   xmlns=MailScanner
>                                 > has detected a possible fraud
>                                 > attempt from "geowebcache.org"
>                                 > claiming to be
>                                 > "http://geowebcache.org/schema/1.2.2";>
>                                 > 
>                                 > 
>                                 > 
>                                 > 
>                                 > 
>                                 > <version>1.2.2</version>
>                                 > 
>                                 > 
>                                 > <gridSets>
>                                 >   <gridSet>
>                                 >     <name>EPSG:2163</name>
>                                 > 
>                                 > 
>                                 > 
>                                 > 
>                                 > 
>                                 >     <srs><number>2163</number></srs>
>                                 > 
>                                 > 
>                                 > 
>                                 > 
>                                 > 
>                                 >     <extent>
>                                 >       <coords>
>                                 >         <double>-2495667.977678598</double>
>                                 > 
>                                 > 
>                                 > 
>                                 > 
>                                 > 
>                                 >         <double>-2223677.196231552</double> 
>        <=== This 4 lines is to put the limit
>                                 > 
>                                 > 
>                                 > 
>                                 > 
>                                 > 
>                                 >         <double>3291070.6104286816</double>
>                                 > 
>                                 > 
>                                 > 
>                                 > 
>                                 > 
>                                 >         <double>959189.3312465074</double>
>                                 > 
>                                 > 
>                                 > 
>                                 > 
>                                 > 
>                                 >       </coords>
>                                 >     </extent>
>                                 >   </gridSet>
>                                 > </gridSets> <layers>
>                                 > 
>                                 >   <wmsLayer>
>                                 >     <name>new_name</name>
>                                 > <==== I can give a random name ? or
>                                 > it have to be exactly the same name
>                                 > of the layer ?
>                                 > 
>                                 > 
>                                 > 
>                                 > 
>                                 > 
>                                 >     <gridSubsets>
>                                 >       <gridSubset>
>                                 >         
> <gridSetName>EPSG:2163</gridSetName>   <=== The EPSG of my Layer 
>                                 >       </gridSubset>
>                                 >     </gridSubsets>  
>                                 >     
> <wmsUrl><string>http://localhost:8080/geoserver/wms</string></wmsUrl>   <=== 
> The url of wms <wmsLayers>backend_name</wmsLayers>         <=== It have to be 
> exactly the name of the layer 
>                                 >   </wmsLayer> </layers> 
>                                 >   
>                                 > 
>                                 > </gwcConfiguration>
>                                 > 
>                                 > 
>                                 > 
>                                 > And after doing that, I can use this
>                                 > link
>                                 > 
> hhttp://localhost:8080/geoserver/gwc/service/wms
>                                 > Instead of
>                                 > http://localhost:8080/geoserver/wms
>                                 > 
>                                 > 
>                                 > I just want to be sure that I
>                                 > understand well how it works.
>                                 > 
>                                 > 
>                                 > 
>                                 > Thanks,
>                                 > 
>                                 > 
>                                 > 
>                                 > <snip>
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