The Ordnance Survey (OS) have released huge amounts of data over the past few 
years. 1:250k, 1:10k etc.

The first dataset I want to publish is called StreetView.

It contains 21k tiles. These are not GeoTIFFs (but not a problem, I have the 
world files and can convert them)
Each tile is between 1 and 5 Mb.

gdalinfo gives
MacPro:data russ$ gdalinfo sj/sj55ne.tif
Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF
Files: sj55ne.tif
Size is 5000, 5000
Coordinate System is `'
  TIFFTAG_DATETIME=2009:09:11 04:41:38
Image Structure Metadata:
Corner Coordinates:
Upper Left  (    0.0,    0.0)
Lower Left  (    0.0, 5000.0)
Upper Right ( 5000.0,    0.0)
Lower Right ( 5000.0, 5000.0)
Center      ( 2500.0, 2500.0)
Band 1 Block=5000x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Palette
  Color Table (RGB with 256 entries)

The data is broken down into 100km squares and depending on the 
Easting/Northing gets a two letter code (the 'SJ' bit in the filename)
Each square may contain an average of 250 tiles (It depends on if it is by the 
coast or not)

I am currently running GS 2.1.4 in a Linux VM on my Mac Pro but it will go on a 
real server in the future, probably with GS2.2+

The server will be running Linux (Not sure which but a Debian variant)

I had finally got my head round creating a large TIFF then allowing GS to 
'cookie cut and then tried the ImageMosaic and it saved lots of time.
But I need this to perform well and don't know which will be more 'performant'

Thanks for your time


On 30 Jul 2012, at 16:08, Simone Giannecchini 
<simone.giannecch...@geo-solutions.it> wrote:

> Well, it depends :)
> Really, with the latest change we have prepared for tiff I would go
> for a small number of very large bigtiff files. It is easier to
> handle, you open a small number of file on the server
> and can be used to serve data at all resolutions if you have a small
> number of files (like < 16/32) since you can add embedded overviews.
> If your data is high res and you want to to show it only at small
> scales, then you can even use a mosaic with a relative large number of
> files since you will never open too many of them.
> Summarising:
> -1- we need to know more about what you are doing, or actually about
> the data (#files, size of individual files, etc..)
> -2- I believe some tests on your infrastructure would help (this type
> of performances depepnd a lot on the the HW set up and the underlying
> file system).
> Regards,
> Simone Giannecchini
> ==
> Our support, Your Success! Visit http://opensdi.geo-solutions.it for
> more information.
> ==
> Ing. Simone Giannecchini
> @simogeo
> Founder/Director
> GeoSolutions S.A.S.
> Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
> 55054  Massarosa (LU)
> Italy
> phone: +39 0584 962313
> fax:   +39 0584 962313
> mob:   +39  333 8128928
> http://www.geo-solutions.it
> http://twitter.com/geosolutions_it
> -------------------------------------------------------
> On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 4:53 PM, Russell Hore <r...@russ-hore.co.uk> wrote:
>> Thanks for the excellent pointer Simone and Edward.
>> Which would perform better, or os that s difficult question and the answer 
>> is " It depends"
>> Russ
>> On 30 Jul 2012, at 15:46, Simone Giannecchini 
>> <simone.giannecch...@geo-solutions.it> wrote:
>>> Ciao a tutti,
>>> one thing, depending on the GeoServer version you use there is support
>>> for BigTiff (actually when 2.1.5 will be out this support will also be
>>> much better).
>>> Regards,
>>> Simone Giannecchini
>>> ==
>>> Our support, Your Success! Visit http://opensdi.geo-solutions.it for
>>> more information.
>>> ==
>>> Ing. Simone Giannecchini
>>> @simogeo
>>> Founder/Director
>>> GeoSolutions S.A.S.
>>> Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
>>> 55054  Massarosa (LU)
>>> Italy
>>> phone: +39 0584 962313
>>> fax:   +39 0584 962313
>>> mob:   +39 333 8128928
>>> http://www.geo-solutions.it
>>> http://twitter.com/geosolutions_it
>>> -------------------------------------------------------
>>> On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 3:43 PM, Edward Mac Gillavry
>>> <emacgilla...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi there,
>>>> Check out the ImageMosaic plugin
>>>> http://docs.geoserver.org/latest/en/user/tutorials/image_mosaic_plugin/imagemosaic.html.
>>>> No need to create one single GeoTIFF beforehand as GeoServer will compute a
>>>> sheet index itself (as an ESRI Shape file).
>>>> HTH
>>>> Edward
>>>>> From: r...@russ-hore.co.uk
>>>>> Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2012 14:32:03 +0100
>>>>> To: geoserver-users@lists.sourceforge.net
>>>>> Subject: [Geoserver-users] What to do if gdal_merge make too large a file
>>>>> I am using gdal_merge to merge sections of the OS tile sod the UK into
>>>>> large tiff files ready for GeoServer.
>>>>> (For those that know the OS' StreetView data I am taking al the SH tiles
>>>>> and making one large SH tile.)
>>>>> Some of them are failing. I suspect that it is due to the size of the
>>>>> resulting TIF file being over 4Gb
>>>>> I have heard of 'big' geoTIFFS but would e better approach be to split the
>>>>> failing areas into four smaller areas (SHNW, SHNE, SHSW, SHSE)?
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