Hi Santiago,
can you try to see if the java part is working standalone?

The folder where you have extracted the download should contain a javainfo
Can you try this?
- go in that javainfo folder
- run "./gdalinfo.sh --version"
- run "./gdalinfo.sh --formats"

And report me the output of those 2 commands?
If everything is working fine, the java part is working so you probably
need to check the configuration used to startup geoserver.
Could you also please list the content of your geoserver webapp WEB-INF/lib

Please, let us know.
Best Regards,

On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 6:45 PM, Santiago Timón <stimonm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have switchted to gdal192, set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the directory I
> extracted it and still doesn't work :(
> 03-abr-2013 18:34:19 it.geosolutions.imageio.gdalframework.GDALUtilities
> loadGDAL
> ADVERTENCIA: Failed to load the GDAL native libs. This is not a problem
> unless you need to use the GDAL plugins: they won't be enabled.
> java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no gdaljni in java.library.path
> Now I have followed all the steps I think...
> 2013/4/3 Daniele Romagnoli <daniele.romagn...@geo-solutions.it>
>> Hi,
>> Since I see from your output that you now have GLIBCXX_3.4.14 (on Ubuntu
>> 12.10), I would try again with the available 1.9.2 downloads.
>> I'm not sure about the differences between 1.9.0-3 and 1.9.2 but I think
>> the version you have doesn't contain the JAVA JNI counterpart which is
>> required to use the drivers on GeoServer.
>> Anyway, if you want to list the GDAL available formats, you can call
>> "gdalinfo --formats"
>> Moreover, we have also recently added some selfcontained scripts to the
>> available download.
>> They allow to do quick tests of the java bindings.
>> There is a javainfo folder containing a gdalinfo.sh script which invokes
>> the java class (by using the available java bindings) to do the same things
>> the standard gdalinfo app will do.
>> Hope this helps.
>> Daniele
>> On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 4:53 PM, Santiago Timón <stimonm...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Hi again,
>>> Finally I decided to try in another server, which has Ubuntu 12.10
>>> instead of Debian 6, but still I can't make it work.
>>> Instead of installing GDAL as the documentation says, I have installed
>>> it via synaptic gdal 1.9.0-3. Maybe this is the problem... If I run
>>> gdalinfo it works fine, without any library error:
>>> administrador@torrevision:~/apache-tomcat-7.0.35/bin$ gdalinfo
>>> Usage: gdalinfo [--help-general] [-mm] [-stats] [-hist] [-nogcp] [-nomd]
>>>                 [-norat] [-noct] [-nofl] [-checksum] [-proj4] [-mdd
>>> domain]*
>>>                 [-sd subdataset] datasetname
>>> I don't know how to run the formats option though.
>>> The libstdc++ libraries are in:
>>>  strings /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6 | grep LIBCXX
>>> GLIBCXX_3.4
>>> GLIBCXX_3.4.1
>>> GLIBCXX_3.4.2
>>> GLIBCXX_3.4.3
>>> GLIBCXX_3.4.4
>>> GLIBCXX_3.4.5
>>> GLIBCXX_3.4.6
>>> GLIBCXX_3.4.7
>>> GLIBCXX_3.4.8
>>> GLIBCXX_3.4.9
>>> GLIBCXX_3.4.10
>>> GLIBCXX_3.4.11
>>> GLIBCXX_3.4.12
>>> GLIBCXX_3.4.13
>>> GLIBCXX_3.4.14
>>> GLIBCXX_3.4.15
>>> GLIBCXX_3.4.16
>>> GLIBCXX_3.4.17
>>> The env variables are set to:
>>> administrador@torrevision:~/apache-tomcat-7.0.35/bin$ echo
>>> /usr/lib/
>>> administrador@torrevision:~/apache-tomcat-7.0.35/bin$ echo $GDAL_DATA
>>> /home/administrador/gdal-data
>>> Geoserver says nothing about gdal in the log, but no clue about new
>>> raster formats...
>>> I feel I'm getting close, hope you can help me with the final push :)
>>> Cheers,
>>> Santi
>>> 2013/3/19 Santiago Timón <stimonm...@gmail.com>
>>>> Thanks Daniele, I will try to build GDAL and see if this does the trick
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> 2013/3/19 Daniele Romagnoli <daniele.romagn...@geo-solutions.it>
>>>>> On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 6:01 PM, Santiago Timón 
>>>>> <stimonm...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>>> Done:
>>>>>> paisaje@vision3:~$ strings /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6 | grep LIBCXX
>>>>>> GLIBCXX_3.4
>>>>>> GLIBCXX_3.4.1
>>>>>> GLIBCXX_3.4.2
>>>>>> GLIBCXX_3.4.3
>>>>>> GLIBCXX_3.4.4
>>>>>> GLIBCXX_3.4.5
>>>>>> GLIBCXX_3.4.6
>>>>>> GLIBCXX_3.4.7
>>>>>> GLIBCXX_3.4.8
>>>>>> GLIBCXX_3.4.9
>>>>>> GLIBCXX_3.4.10
>>>>>> GLIBCXX_3.4.11
>>>>>> GLIBCXX_3.4.12
>>>>>> GLIBCXX_3.4.13
>>>>>> It seems GLIBCXX_3.4.14 is actually missing. Is there still a chance
>>>>>> to fix this without building GDAL by myself?
>>>>> Mmm. I have no idea on that. I think someone already tried similar
>>>>> tests on old libs with no success (However I have never tried by myself).
>>>>> Daniele
>>>>>> cheers,
>>>>>> 2013/3/19 Daniele Romagnoli <daniele.romagn...@geo-solutions.it>
>>>>>>> You may try a final:
>>>>>>> "strings /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6 | grep LIBCXX"
>>>>>>> To check which GLIBCXX is available on your system.
>>>>>>> (You may also try the same against
>>>>>>> /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.4/libstdc++.so)
>>>>>>> If they are old, you can consider start thinking about building GDAL
>>>>>>> on your machine :)
>>>>>>> Please, let us know.
>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>> Daniele
>>>>>>> On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 5:18 PM, Santiago Timón <
>>>>>>> stimonm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I didn't
>>>>>>>> paisaje@vision3:~$ locate libstdc++
>>>>>>>> /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6
>>>>>>>> /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6.0.13
>>>>>>>> /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.4/libstdc++.a
>>>>>>>> /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.4/libstdc++.so
>>>>>>>> /usr/share/doc/libstdc++6
>>>>>>>> /usr/share/doc/libstdc++6-4.4-dev
>>>>>>>> /usr/share/doc/gcc-4.4-base/C++/README.libstdc++-baseline
>>>>>>>> /usr/share/doc/gcc-4.4-base/C++/changelog.libstdc++.gz
>>>>>>>> /usr/share/doc/gcc-4.4-base/C++/libstdc++_symbols.txt
>>>>>>>> /usr/share/doc/gcc-4.4-base/test-summaries/libstdc++.sum.gz
>>>>>>>> /var/lib/dpkg/info/libstdc++6-4.4-dev.list
>>>>>>>> /var/lib/dpkg/info/libstdc++6-4.4-dev.md5sums
>>>>>>>> /var/lib/dpkg/info/libstdc++6.list
>>>>>>>> /var/lib/dpkg/info/libstdc++6.md5sums
>>>>>>>> /var/lib/dpkg/info/libstdc++6.postinst
>>>>>>>> /var/lib/dpkg/info/libstdc++6.postrm
>>>>>>>> /var/lib/dpkg/info/libstdc++6.shlibs
>>>>>>>> /var/lib/dpkg/info/libstdc++6.symbols
>>>>>>>> As you can see I am no linux master :D
>>>>>>>> So the library actually exists in the system. Is it an env variable
>>>>>>>> issue? Or I should start reading the documentation on how to build 
>>>>>>>> GDAL?
>>>>>>>> Thanks Daniele.
>>>>>>>> 2013/3/19 Daniele Romagnoli <daniele.romagn...@geo-solutions.it>
>>>>>>>>> Hi Santiago,
>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 4:58 PM, Santiago Timón <
>>>>>>>>> stimonm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Thank you very much for your help.
>>>>>>>>>> It seems I don't have libstdc installed:
>>>>>>>>>> paisaje@vision3:~$ /usr/lib/lib
>>>>>>>>>> libblas/                         libnvidia-compiler.so.195.36.24
>>>>>>>>>> libcanberra-0.24/                libOpenCL.so.1.0
>>>>>>>>>> libfakeroot/                     libOpenCL.so.1.0.0
>>>>>>>>>> libgconf2-4/                     libproxy/
>>>>>>>>>> libgksu/                         libtrash/
>>>>>>>>>> libglade/                        libv4l/
>>>>>>>>>> libgnome-window-settings1/       libvdpau.so.1
>>>>>>>>>> libgphoto2/                      libvdpau.so.195.36.24
>>>>>>>>>> libgphoto2_port/                 libvisual-0.4/
>>>>>>>>>> libgtk2.0-0/                     libvte9/
>>>>>>>>>> libnfsidmap/
>>>>>>>>>> Did you also try a "locate libstdc++"?
>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>> Daniele
>>>>>>>>>> Maybe I need to install it before and if still doesn't work build
>>>>>>>>>> GDAL from source.
>>>>>>>>>> Any tips I should follow?
>>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>> 2013/3/19 Daniele Romagnoli <daniele.romagn...@geo-solutions.it>
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Santiago,
>>>>>>>>>>> These GLIBCXX_ issues have been previously sometime encountered
>>>>>>>>>>> and reported by users which were attempting to use the linux 
>>>>>>>>>>> libraries on
>>>>>>>>>>> some particular distro.
>>>>>>>>>>> These are mainly due to the underlying base libs being not
>>>>>>>>>>> available/or differents on that specific distro with respect to the
>>>>>>>>>>> Centos/Ubuntu machines where they have been builts.
>>>>>>>>>>> Which version did you download?
>>>>>>>>>>> Anyway, after some attempts we have concluded that some specific
>>>>>>>>>>> systems requires it specific GDAL builds to make sure to solve this 
>>>>>>>>>>> kind of
>>>>>>>>>>> issue with the internal libraries.
>>>>>>>>>>> You could maybe check your GLIBCXX version and then check the
>>>>>>>>>>> ones requested by the available libs and if none fits your needs, I 
>>>>>>>>>>> think
>>>>>>>>>>> the solution would be that you build GDAL on your machine.
>>>>>>>>>>> Please, let us know.
>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>> Daniele
>>>>>>>>>>>> paisaje@vision3:~/gdal$ ./gdalinfo
>>>>>>>>>>>> ./gdalinfo: /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.14'
>>>>>>>>>>>> not found (required by libNCSEcw.so.0)
>>>>>>>>>>>> Do I need to install GLIBCXX_3.4.14? To make things more
>>>>>>>>>>>> complicated, I do not have sudo privileges in the system I am 
>>>>>>>>>>>> deploying the
>>>>>>>>>>>> server...
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/3/19 Simone Giannecchini <
>>>>>>>>>>>> simone.giannecch...@geo-solutions.it>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ciao Santiago,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> did you try to run the gdalinfo tool to check that the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> nativelibs
>>>>>>>>>>>>> where properly installed?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> It should be part of the native libs as well. Moreover, make
>>>>>>>>>>>>> sure
>>>>>>>>>>>>> there is no other installation on the same server as
>>>>>>>>>>>>> this might cause problems.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Simone Giannecchini
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ==
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Our support, Your Success! Visit
>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://opensdi.geo-solutions.it for
>>>>>>>>>>>>> more information.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ==
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ing. Simone Giannecchini
>>>>>>>>>>>>> @simogeo
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Founder/Director
>>>>>>>>>>>>> GeoSolutions S.A.S.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 55054  Massarosa (LU)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Italy
>>>>>>>>>>>>> phone: +39 0584 962313
>>>>>>>>>>>>> fax:     +39 0584 1660272
>>>>>>>>>>>>> mob:   +39 333 8128928
>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.geo-solutions.it
>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://twitter.com/geosolutions_it
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 11:58 AM, Santiago Timón <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> stimonm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Hello everyone,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > I have tried to install the GDAL extension following the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> instructions at
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://docs.geoserver.org/stable/en/user/data/raster/gdal.html
>>>>>>>>>>>>> .
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > I have followed each step carefully, but after restarting no
>>>>>>>>>>>>> new raster
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > formats are available. Looking into the logs via webadmin I
>>>>>>>>>>>>> can't see the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > error "it.geosolutions.imageio.gdalframework.GDALUtilities
>>>>>>>>>>>>> loadGDAL WARNING:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Native library load failed.java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> no gdaljni in
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > java.library.path"
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Or anything related to gdal.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > The system is a Debian 6.0 2.6.32-5-amd64
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > java version "1.6.0_18"
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.8.13)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (6b18-1.8.13-0+squeeze2)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 14.0-b16, mixed mode)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > and Tomcat 7.0.35
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Am I missing something?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Thanks in advance
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
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>>>>>>>>>>> ==
>>>>>>>>>>> Our support, Your Success! Visit http://opensdi.geo-solutions.itfor 
>>>>>>>>>>> more information.
>>>>>>>>>>> ==
>>>>>>>>>>> Ing. Daniele Romagnoli
>>>>>>>>>>> Senior Software Engineer
>>>>>>>>>>> GeoSolutions S.A.S.
>>>>>>>>>>> Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
>>>>>>>>>>> 55054  Massarosa (LU)
>>>>>>>>>>> Italy
>>>>>>>>>>> phone: +39 0584 962313
>>>>>>>>>>> fax:      +39 0584 1660272
>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.geo-solutions.it
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>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> ==
>>>>>>>>> Our support, Your Success! Visit http://opensdi.geo-solutions.itfor 
>>>>>>>>> more information.
>>>>>>>>> ==
>>>>>>>>> Ing. Daniele Romagnoli
>>>>>>>>> Senior Software Engineer
>>>>>>>>> GeoSolutions S.A.S.
>>>>>>>>> Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
>>>>>>>>> 55054  Massarosa (LU)
>>>>>>>>> Italy
>>>>>>>>> phone: +39 0584 962313
>>>>>>>>> fax:      +39 0584 1660272
>>>>>>>>> http://www.geo-solutions.it
>>>>>>>>> http://twitter.com/geosolutions_it
>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> ==
>>>>>>> Our support, Your Success! Visit http://opensdi.geo-solutions.itfor 
>>>>>>> more information.
>>>>>>> ==
>>>>>>> Ing. Daniele Romagnoli
>>>>>>> Senior Software Engineer
>>>>>>> GeoSolutions S.A.S.
>>>>>>> Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
>>>>>>> 55054  Massarosa (LU)
>>>>>>> Italy
>>>>>>> phone: +39 0584 962313
>>>>>>> fax:      +39 0584 1660272
>>>>>>> http://www.geo-solutions.it
>>>>>>> http://twitter.com/geosolutions_it
>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> --
>>>>> ==
>>>>> Our support, Your Success! Visit http://opensdi.geo-solutions.it for
>>>>> more information.
>>>>> ==
>>>>> Ing. Daniele Romagnoli
>>>>> Senior Software Engineer
>>>>> GeoSolutions S.A.S.
>>>>> Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
>>>>> 55054  Massarosa (LU)
>>>>> Italy
>>>>> phone: +39 0584 962313
>>>>> fax:      +39 0584 1660272
>>>>> http://www.geo-solutions.it
>>>>> http://twitter.com/geosolutions_it
>>>>> -------------------------------------------------------
>> --
>> ==
>> Our support, Your Success! Visit http://opensdi.geo-solutions.it for
>> more information.
>> ==
>> Ing. Daniele Romagnoli
>> Senior Software Engineer
>> GeoSolutions S.A.S.
>> Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
>> 55054  Massarosa (LU)
>> Italy
>> phone: +39 0584 962313
>> fax:      +39 0584 1660272
>> http://www.geo-solutions.it
>> http://twitter.com/geosolutions_it
>> -------------------------------------------------------

Our support, Your Success! Visit http://opensdi.geo-solutions.it for more

Ing. Daniele Romagnoli
Senior Software Engineer

GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
55054  Massarosa (LU)
phone: +39 0584 962313
fax:      +39 0584 1660272


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