Andrea Aime wrote:

> On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 11:04 AM, Rahkonen Jukka <> 
> wrote:
>> Hi,

>> There is a configuration item "Maximum number of decimals" in the Publishing 
>> tab for the layer settings.  I had a try with Geoserver 2.3.1 on Windows and 
>> with the topp:states layer and it appeared that this setting has an effect 
>> only on the GML2 outputformat which is the default for WFS 1.0.0 and 
>> selectable also for WFS 1.1.0.  With all other output formats (GML3, CSV, 
>> json) I get always all the decimals.  It would be nice to get the decimal 
>> cutter to work for all output formats, next best to mention in the 
>> documentation and user interface that only GML2 is affected.

> I believe this was discussed at some point on the mailing lists already, have 
> you checked the archives?
> By the way, now that I think about it, decimal cutting is dangerous business, 
> as you might start with a topologically valid geometry and end up with one 
> that is not.

I see that there is an open issue
I see also that the configuration utility has this setting in two places, in a 
very visible place in global settings 
and in Layer-Publishing tab which is perhaps undocumented in user docs. The 
latter seems to override the global setting which is good.  The global setting 
really seems to be global for WFS 1.0. You say decimal cutting is dangerous 
business but I feel that Geoserver is doing it by default for all WFS 1.0.0 
layers and only 8 decimal places are used.

Would it be better to remove this setting from the global settings because it 
may be dangerous, even nobody has complaint about it, and it is not as global 
as users would believe because it affects only GML2 output?  The setting could 
remain in Layer-Publish with a warning telling that it is dangerous or stupid 
at least with WFS-T and a hint that it is only for GML2. Or perhaps it could be 
de-activated or removed also from there?

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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