Using GeoServer 2.2.1 and 2.3 with a large number of PostGIS-backed
datastores under TomCat 6.2.    These stores are rarely used, so we'd like
them to not tie up a PostgreSQL connection until one is actually needed.
Thus, we set min_connections=0 in the datastore.xml associated with each
store.  Interestingly, when GeoServer is bounced, there is a single
connection bound to PostgreSQL for each store anyway.  If we use the admin
interface and open the store definition, "min_connections" shows 0, which
is what one would expect.  Now, simply saving the store definition without
modifying anything causes the corresponding DB connection to be dropped,
and a connection is not bound again until the datastore is used or until
GeoServer is bounced again.

We were speculating that the

<entry key="min connections">0</entry>

line in the datastore XML is perhaps being treated and a "falsey" or
invalid value, and a default value of one to be assigned.

Can anyone else recreate this?

Thanks in advance.
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