
I had a look at a recent deployment using apache2 ProxyPass (proxy_http) 
to tomcat6 on localhost:8080 and Everything Just Works (Capabilities and 
OpenLayers), even without setting Proxy Base URL. I suspect that apache 
is setting similar headers. Your nginx solution is quite useful and 
merits inclusion in the manual (particularly as nginx is becoming hugely 

Perhaps Proxy Base URL only helps in more limited circumstances. Andrea?

Kind regards,

On 06/09/13 01:01, Ryan Clark wrote:
> Ben -
> We got things to work by adjusting the Host header on the proxy server
> (nginx in this case), but before doing that we were seeing
> addresses in the GetCapabilities and OpenLayers previews even though we
> had set the Geoserver proxy base url. We're using 2.3, so I'm curious
> why we seemed to be having the same issue that was solved at 2.1.x in
> that bug report you mentioned?
> Just for the record, here's the nginx config snippet that we're using
> now (that works). Previously we weren't setting the Host header:
> # By default, traffic is sent to Tomcat
>          location / {
>                  proxy_pass;
> proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
> proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
> proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
> }
> Thanks!
> Ryan
> ____________________
> Ryan Clark
> Arizona Geological Survey
> ryan.cl...@azgs.az.gov <mailto:ryan.cl...@azgs.az.gov>
> (520) 302-4871
> facebook.com/ModernGeologist <https://www.facebook.com/ModernGeologist>
> @worbly <https://twitter.com/worbly>
> On Sep 5, 2013, at 9:50 AM, "christy@azgs" <christy.caud...@azgs.az.gov
> <mailto:christy.caud...@azgs.az.gov>>
>   wrote:
>> Okay, so you can see that the OnlineResource in the GetCapabilities still
>> references
>> http://data.usgin.org/azgs_bedrock_geology/gsmlp/wms?service=WMS&version=1.3.0&request=GetCapabilities
>> And attached is a screen shot that the Proxy has been set, but is being
>> ignored:
>> <http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/file/n5076290/Proxy.jpg>
>> --
>> View this message in context:
>> http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/OpenLayers-with-App-Schemas-tp5075263p5076290.html
>> Sent from the GeoServer - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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Ben Caradoc-Davies <ben.caradoc-dav...@csiro.au>
Software Engineer
CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering
Australian Resources Research Centre

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