
I've installed Marlin renderer now (only basic use as described at 
still with Oracle Java 7. I also set the number of tasks to 16. I'll see if 
this speeds things up.

@Jukka: Regarding the BBOX. I left the "Bounding box" field (subtext "These are 
optional, approximate values are fine.") empty. I do not think that the bbox 
needs to be set here. The layer (based on the shapefile) already has a bounding 
box, so I would assume that GeoServer/GeoWebCache is intelligent enough to not 
try to render the whole world for a layer with restricted bounds. Correct me, 
if I am wrong.


Von: Rahkonen Jukka (MML) [mailto:jukka.rahko...@maanmittauslaitos.fi]
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 26. März 2015 11:14
An: Nachtigall, Jens (init); geoserver-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Betreff: Re: Speeding up GeoWebCache seeding process


One question: Do you seed the whole world or only BBOX of Germany? Resolution 
of level 17 is 1.1943 m and Germany is not a big country which makes me feel 
that 21 days is rather a long time. I have seeded the area of Finland to 0.5 m 
resolution from aerial images into 2 TB of tiles in about the same time which 
makes me feel that one week should be enough for you. However, I was seeding 
from an external WMS and you most probably have different hardware so our 
situations are not comparable.

I would absolutely divide the job into a bunch of smaller BBOXes.  I have a 
feeling that the Seed missing tiles option is not always reliable but it can 
wrongly think that there is nothing more to seed. However, if you have been 
seeding for two weeks and all processes die it is not really reasonable to use 
the Reseed option.  If a small job interrupts it does not pay so much to start 
it again.

Follow also the CPU load.  Adding more seeding processed after the load is 
already close to 100% makes the overall speed just slower.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Nachtigall, Jens wrote:


I have a 100MB shapefile with LINESTRINGs covering Germany, which I added as a 
cached layer. I use GeoServer 2.6.2 with included GeoWebCache 1.6.1 to seed 
tiles for layers 0-17 for the predefined EPSG_900913 gridset. On a server with 
8 cores this process takes about 21 days.

I use Oracle Java 7 and JAI is installed. I've set "Number of tasks to use" to 
8 (number of cpu cores).

Is there anything I can do to speed up the seeding process?

Best regards,

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