> Given the source file is not big and you're rendering vector data, I'm going 
> to assume the bottleneck is in the rendering phase.
> Set the number of tasks to 16, and use OpenJDK, its rendering abilites scale 
> up better, or keep your JDK, and install Marlin, which
> is going to give you both better scalability and better speed at the same 
> time: https://github.com/bourgesl/marlin-renderer

After setting number of tasks to 16 (server has 8 cores), I have the impression 
that it rather takes longer now. I’ve tested with layer 13 now. “Time 
remaining” column is totally nuts now. Says 21min for one row, then 30 minutes 
later, it says 24 min. The “Tiles completed” increases but very, very slow, 
just ~400 tiles in 30min, that is for 16 tasks only 16*400tiles=6400 tiles in 
30min. And its 60’000 tiles for layer 13 (Estimated # of tiles).

htop says that Load average is about 6.60. The 8 cores have a percentage 
between 60-90% most of the time (just by looking with it with the eyes).

Best regards,

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