Using gdalwarp, the corners are indeed populated (thanks guys) – even when 
converting from a NTF directly to another NTF.
Converting to geotifs using gdalwarp also rectifies the image of course.  When 
mosaicked into geoserver, the alignment to the underlying map is not precise, 
but I kind of expected this since IGEOLO precision in the NITF standard is 
pretty poor.  The warping applied to the files by gdalwarp appears to be the 
same as that applied by the mosaic plugin on the raw geotif inputs I used 
before i.e. it would appear acceptable to pass non rectified imagery to the 
imageMosaic plugin and it presumably gdalwarps it for you.

A couple of interesting points worth noting that I’ve spotted en-route:

1)      With 16bit imagery, applying the transparency colours to zero in the 
layer preferences for a mosaic, turns the whole image transparent.  I’m 
guessing that someone somewhere is assuming all inputs to the mosaic are 8bit?

2)       gdalwarp –of NITF  –s_srs EPSG:4326 –t_srs EPSG:4326 
myOriginalFile.ntf myNewFile.ntf  fails to embed the georeferencing into the 
IGEOLO, giving the following errors:

ERROR 6: NITF file should have been created with creation option ‘ICORDS=G’ (or 

ERROR 6: Apparently no space reserved for IGEOLO info in NITF file.

and dumps an aux.xml file instead – presumably not used by Geoserver which 
crashes immediately on publishing such mosaicked NITF layers with:

java.lang.RuntimeException: Error occurred while building the resources for the 
configuration page which is ultimately ‘caused by’ No Transformation available 
from System”EngineeringCRS[Wildcard 2D Cartesian plane in metric unit] to 

…which is fair enough I suppose!

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