Dear all,

I have a problem with the app-schema plugin and the emission of 
srsName-attributes for geometries.

In some cases the srsName is emitted in the URL form:
In other cases the URN-Notation is used: "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326"

After some debugging I nailed this down to the superficial reason that in one 
case the CRS has EAST-NORTH orientation (-->URL) while in the other case the 
orientation is NORTH-EAST (--> URN).

But why? They all come from the same database and are declared equally.

After a lot more debugging I found that in the URN case a reprojections takes 
place while the URL case does no reprojection at all.
Even more digging into the dirt showed me the following:

When a URN is emitted, the schema declares the geometry field as a direct child 
(<targetAttribute>ef:geometry</targetAttribute>) of the target element 
When a URL is emitted, the schema declares the geometry as a second level child 
(<targetAttribute>sams:shape/gml:Point</targetAttribute>) of the target 

The even deeper reason seems to be that the routine 
org.geotools.feature.type.FeatureTypeImpl.getCoordinateReferenceSystem does not 
recursively searches into complex types to find a geometry.

Any ideas how to force URN notation?

BTW, I use geoserver 2.7.0 with all "officially" bundled libraries.

Best regards
Gerhard Dünnebeil

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