
I think that a better solution is to make the changes originally 
proposed by Victor:

Victor and Jody, do you remember this one from 2011?

Jody, did you have some reservations about Victor's patch?

Kind regards,

On 01/07/16 16:53, Dünnebeil Gerhard wrote:
> Dear Ben,
> yes, this is the same problem. Even the code snippets mentioned there look 
> familiar.
> And yes, what you describe as the fallback scenario is exactly what happens.
> Do you think a possible solution would be to provide a CRS for a feature type 
> within the app-schema mapping file?
> If it exists, it will override any setting retrieved from the database.
> Of course this would require some changes to the app-schema plugin.
> best regards
> Gerhard
> ________________________________________
> From: Ben Caradoc-Davies []
> Sent: Friday, July 01, 2016 1:37 AM
> To: Dünnebeil Gerhard;
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [Geoserver-users] Problems with app-schema and srsName
> Gerhard,
> I think that you might be affected by a known problem in GeoTools in
> which a feature type that does not have a top-level geometry is not
> recognised as having a CRS. See this discussion from 2011 (note
> references to 2015 are from our Jira migration):
> [GEOT-3651] Handling of CRS when reprojecting "complex" FeatureCollection
> Although this issue is marked as Fixed, the discussion indicates that it
> is not. I do not know the alternate solution mentioned by Victor.
> I think what is happening is that, when the Encoder receives the nested
> feature, it falls back to a best-effort attempt to encode the srsName
> and geometry, but lacks the required information and uses the old URL
> format and its default axis order settings. I suspect that the geometry
> is not reprojected in this case.
> Kind regards,
> Ben.
> On 30/06/16 19:25, Dünnebeil Gerhard wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I have a problem with the app-schema plugin and the emission of 
>> srsName-attributes for geometries.
>> In some cases the srsName is emitted in the URL form: 
>> In other cases the URN-Notation is used: "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326"
>> After some debugging I nailed this down to the superficial reason that in 
>> one case the CRS has EAST-NORTH orientation (-->URL) while in the other case 
>> the orientation is NORTH-EAST (--> URN).
>> But why? They all come from the same database and are declared equally.
>> After a lot more debugging I found that in the URN case a reprojections 
>> takes place while the URL case does no reprojection at all.
>> Even more digging into the dirt showed me the following:
>> When a URN is emitted, the schema declares the geometry field as a direct 
>> child (<targetAttribute>ef:geometry</targetAttribute>) of the target element 
>> (<targetElement>aqd:AQD_SamplingPoint</targetElement>).
>> When a URL is emitted, the schema declares the geometry as a second level 
>> child (<targetAttribute>sams:shape/gml:Point</targetAttribute>) of the 
>> target (<targetElement>aqd:AQD_Sample</targetElement>).
>> The even deeper reason seems to be that the routine 
>> org.geotools.feature.type.FeatureTypeImpl.getCoordinateReferenceSystem does 
>> not recursively searches into complex types to find a geometry.
>> Any ideas how to force URN notation?
>> BTW, I use geoserver 2.7.0 with all "officially" bundled libraries.
>> Best regards
>> Gerhard Dünnebeil
>> Secure Information Management
>> Safety & Security Department
>> AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
>> Donau-City-Straße 1  |  1220 Vienna  |  Austria
>> T +43(0) 50550-3173  |  M +43(0) 664 2351747  |  F +43(0) 50550-4150
>><>  |  
>> FN: 115980 i HG Wien  |  UID: ATU14703506
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> --
> Ben Caradoc-Davies <>
> Director
> Transient Software Limited <>
> New Zealand

Ben Caradoc-Davies <>
Transient Software Limited <>
New Zealand

Attend Shape: An AT&T Tech Expo July 15-16. Meet us at AT&T Park in San
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