Dear Ben,

yes, this is the same problem. Even the code snippets mentioned there look 
And yes, what you describe as the fallback scenario is exactly what happens.

Do you think a possible solution would be to provide a CRS for a feature type 
within the app-schema mapping file?
If it exists, it will override any setting retrieved from the database.

Of course this would require some changes to the app-schema plugin.

best regards

From: Ben Caradoc-Davies []
Sent: Friday, July 01, 2016 1:37 AM
To: Dünnebeil Gerhard;
Subject: Re: [Geoserver-users] Problems with app-schema and srsName


I think that you might be affected by a known problem in GeoTools in
which a feature type that does not have a top-level geometry is not
recognised as having a CRS. See this discussion from 2011 (note
references to 2015 are from our Jira migration):

[GEOT-3651] Handling of CRS when reprojecting "complex" FeatureCollection

Although this issue is marked as Fixed, the discussion indicates that it
is not. I do not know the alternate solution mentioned by Victor.

I think what is happening is that, when the Encoder receives the nested
feature, it falls back to a best-effort attempt to encode the srsName
and geometry, but lacks the required information and uses the old URL
format and its default axis order settings. I suspect that the geometry
is not reprojected in this case.

Kind regards,

On 30/06/16 19:25, Dünnebeil Gerhard wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have a problem with the app-schema plugin and the emission of 
> srsName-attributes for geometries.
> In some cases the srsName is emitted in the URL form: 
> In other cases the URN-Notation is used: "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326"
> After some debugging I nailed this down to the superficial reason that in one 
> case the CRS has EAST-NORTH orientation (-->URL) while in the other case the 
> orientation is NORTH-EAST (--> URN).
> But why? They all come from the same database and are declared equally.
> After a lot more debugging I found that in the URN case a reprojections takes 
> place while the URL case does no reprojection at all.
> Even more digging into the dirt showed me the following:
> When a URN is emitted, the schema declares the geometry field as a direct 
> child (<targetAttribute>ef:geometry</targetAttribute>) of the target element 
> (<targetElement>aqd:AQD_SamplingPoint</targetElement>).
> When a URL is emitted, the schema declares the geometry as a second level 
> child (<targetAttribute>sams:shape/gml:Point</targetAttribute>) of the target 
> (<targetElement>aqd:AQD_Sample</targetElement>).
> The even deeper reason seems to be that the routine 
> org.geotools.feature.type.FeatureTypeImpl.getCoordinateReferenceSystem does 
> not recursively searches into complex types to find a geometry.
> Any ideas how to force URN notation?
> BTW, I use geoserver 2.7.0 with all "officially" bundled libraries.
> Best regards
> Gerhard Dünnebeil
> Secure Information Management
> Safety & Security Department
> AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
> Donau-City-Straße 1  |  1220 Vienna  |  Austria
> T +43(0) 50550-3173  |  M +43(0) 664 2351747  |  F +43(0) 50550-4150
><>  |  
> FN: 115980 i HG Wien  |  UID: ATU14703506
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Ben Caradoc-Davies <>
Transient Software Limited <>
New Zealand

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