Thanks for your patience last week Andrea in researching what needed to be
done, and reviewing the subsequent pull request.

Mats you are correct that translation is important, while transifex is
useful / popular I recently received feedback
<> on another pull
request asking to consider as an open alternative.

I now know enough about transifex to review any pull request made to
improve our process
Jody Garnett

On Fri, 29 Oct 2021 at 06:52, Andrea Aime <>

> On Fri, Oct 29, 2021 at 1:05 PM Mats Elfström <>
> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I am confused here.
>> You wrote:"That would have broken all property file editors (ones that
>> are aware of what a property file is)."
>> I was merely responding to a request from you:"We'll need someone to
>> checkout GeoServer, re-encode all translation files to UTF8, and make a PR."
>> Which was what I was preparing to do, with Notepad++, and nobody
>> protested. Apparently, the problem could be fixed in another way.
> During the last GeoServer PSC meeting Jody and I sat down and looked at
> the issue with some patience and time (one hour of investigation,
> unlike the 5 minutes we can afford when answering here on the list). Turns
> out Java property files should not be encoded as UTF-8, but as ISO-8859-1,
> by Java specification itself (see somewhere here in the javadoc
> ).
> So, the problem had to be addressed in a different way.
>> Some scripting will be necessary. The Geonetwork team has provided
>> scripts to download and distribute language files, but translators should
>> not have to be bothered with adding their work to the repo. This should be
>> done by the release team, shortly before release.
> We barely have the personnel to do releases (as you can see by release
> dates regularly slipping by due to lack of volunteers).
> We won't be able to also take on this, period. Someone other than the
> current core developers must step up and do it.
> This presentation might give you some perspective on what we are talking
> about, when we say "busy":
>> * Conclusion
>> I think localization is important to spread Open source software. For
>> instance, QGIS is available in over 40 languages.
>> I think Transifex is a very useful tool, and it is sad that the work done
>> there for Geoserver has been neglected and brought into disrepair.
> The work was started and managed outside of the core dev team (thankfully,
> otherwise it would not have happened at all, see above).
> Unfortunately the volunteer that bridged the two worlds disappeared. We
> need a new one.
> Writing the scripts is going to be only one of the tasks this person is
> tasked with, another issue is being present on Transifex, and get
> a feeling of which translations (out of the many) can actually be
> contributed to the project
> Andrea
> ==
> GeoServer Professional Services from the experts!
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> Ing. Andrea Aime
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> Technical Lead
> GeoSolutions Group
> phone: +39 0584 962313
> fax:     +39 0584 1660272
> mob:   +39  333 8128928
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