I managed to contact Frank, which promoted me as admin of the project in
Transifex. I could try to configure GitHub integration but I will need the
help of one of admin of the GeoServer GitHub project to complete the setup.


Le mer. 3 nov. 2021 à 09:37, Alexandre Gacon <alexandre.ga...@gmail.com> a
écrit :

> Hello,
> About this translation topic, I would like to share some thoughts:
> - In my experience, administration tools are not often translated in
> another language (for example, in the ESRI world, the ArcGIS Server admin
> tool is not translated. In the Windows world, Windows Server is generally
> installed in English). So it is interesting to wonder if the GeoServer UI,
> which is an admin UI, should be translated, like Andrea suggested.
> - If the translation activity has to be maintained, we should describe how
> this activity is organised:
>   - Which collaboration tool should be used? Since people involved in
> translation are currently used to Transifex, I see little value in moving
> to Weblate, since Transifex also offers integration with GitHub (it could
> be interesting to activate it). On the other hand, it means to be able to
> access the settings of the project on Transifex, which is only possible for
> one people today Frank Gasdor.
>   - Currently, Transifex contains all the files for all the components in
> GeoServer, including community extensions. I think that we should separate
> the translation activities between core/official extensions and community
> extensions to focus the translation effort on the main project.
> I will try to contact Frank Gasdor to see if he could allow me to become
> admin of the GeoServer project of Transifex to see what is possible on
> GitHub integration.
> Regards
> Alexandre
> Le mar. 2 nov. 2021 à 21:47, Andrea Aime <
> andrea.a...@geosolutionsgroup.com> a écrit :
>> Also, let me sweeten the pot a little bit: if someone steps up and manage
>> the translations, I'll write a language switcher control :-D
>> Weblate seems to automate the creation of PRs too, so maybe if an export
>> from transifex was possible, then the actual amount
>> of work for the "translation manager" would be significantly reduced.
>> Cheers
>> Andrea
>> On Tue, Nov 2, 2021 at 3:29 AM Jody Garnett <jody.garn...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Thanks for your patience last week Andrea in researching what needed to
>>> be done, and reviewing the subsequent pull request.
>>> Mats you are correct that translation is important, while transifex is
>>> useful / popular I recently received feedback
>>> <https://github.com/metadata101/iso19139.ca.HNAP/pull/191> on another
>>> pull request asking to consider https://weblate.org/en/ as an open
>>> alternative.
>>> I now know enough about transifex to review any pull request made to
>>> improve our process
>>> <https://docs.geoserver.org/latest/en/developer/translation.html>.
>>> --
>>> Jody Garnett
>>> On Fri, 29 Oct 2021 at 06:52, Andrea Aime <
>>> andrea.a...@geosolutionsgroup.com> wrote:
>>>> On Fri, Oct 29, 2021 at 1:05 PM Mats Elfström <
>>>> mats.elfst...@giskraft.se> wrote:
>>>>> Hi!
>>>>> I am confused here.
>>>>> You wrote:"That would have broken all property file editors (ones
>>>>> that are aware of what a property file is)."
>>>>> I was merely responding to a request from you:"We'll need someone to
>>>>> checkout GeoServer, re-encode all translation files to UTF8, and make a 
>>>>> PR."
>>>>> Which was what I was preparing to do, with Notepad++, and nobody
>>>>> protested. Apparently, the problem could be fixed in another way.
>>>> During the last GeoServer PSC meeting Jody and I sat down and looked at
>>>> the issue with some patience and time (one hour of investigation,
>>>> unlike the 5 minutes we can afford when answering here on the list).
>>>> Turns out Java property files should not be encoded as UTF-8, but as
>>>> ISO-8859-1, by Java specification itself (see somewhere here in the javadoc
>>>> https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/11/docs/api/java.base/java/util/Properties.html
>>>> ).
>>>> So, the problem had to be addressed in a different way.
>>>>> Some scripting will be necessary. The Geonetwork team has provided
>>>>> scripts to download and distribute language files, but translators should
>>>>> not have to be bothered with adding their work to the repo. This should be
>>>>> done by the release team, shortly before release.
>>>> We barely have the personnel to do releases (as you can see by release
>>>> dates regularly slipping by due to lack of volunteers).
>>>> We won't be able to also take on this, period. Someone other than the
>>>> current core developers must step up and do it.
>>>> This presentation might give you some perspective on what we are
>>>> talking about, when we say "busy": https://t.co/y69loP6RpJ
>>>>> * Conclusion
>>>>> I think localization is important to spread Open source software. For
>>>>> instance, QGIS is available in over 40 languages.
>>>>> I think Transifex is a very useful tool, and it is sad that the work
>>>>> done there for Geoserver has been neglected and brought into disrepair.
>>>> The work was started and managed outside of the core dev team
>>>> (thankfully, otherwise it would not have happened at all, see above).
>>>> Unfortunately the volunteer that bridged the two worlds disappeared. We
>>>> need a new one.
>>>> Writing the scripts is going to be only one of the tasks this person is
>>>> tasked with, another issue is being present on Transifex, and get
>>>> a feeling of which translations (out of the many) can actually be
>>>> contributed to the project
>>>> Andrea
>>>> ==
>>>> GeoServer Professional Services from the experts!
>>>> Visit http://bit.ly/gs-services-us for more information.
>>>> ==
>>>> Ing. Andrea Aime
>>>> @geowolf
>>>> Technical Lead
>>>> GeoSolutions Group
>>>> phone: +39 0584 962313
>>>> fax:     +39 0584 1660272
>>>> mob:   +39  333 8128928
>>>> https://www.geosolutionsgroup.com/
>>>> http://twitter.com/geosolutions_it
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>> --
>> Regards,
>> Andrea Aime
>> ==
>> GeoServer Professional Services from the experts!
>> Visit http://bit.ly/gs-services-us for more information.
>> ==
>> Ing. Andrea Aime
>> @geowolf
>> Technical Lead
>> GeoSolutions Group
>> phone: +39 0584 962313
>> fax:     +39 0584 1660272
>> mob:   +39  333 8128928
>> https://www.geosolutionsgroup.com/
>> http://twitter.com/geosolutions_it
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> --
> Alexandre Gacon

Alexandre Gacon
Geoserver-users mailing list

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