Welcome :-)
> Hello,
> we would like to briefly introduce ourselves as a developing group who 
> has been started to investigate and test Geotools for the use within 
> specific applications which we are currently developing. If we decide to 
> use it (we strongly think to do so), we will also have to contribute 
> directly and to supply new code to Geotools in future.
Cool; one you read through the developers guide let me know if you have 
any questions about process (and
how to interact with the community). You will find the weekly IRC 
meeting an entertaining exercise in open

Questions (check all that apply :-) )
- Are you interested because of the slavish adherence to standards (as 
represented by GeoAPI interface?)
- Are you interested because of the License LGPL
- Are you interested in implementations that actually exist (ie 
coordinate reference system, rendering, etc...)
- Have we met needs in terms of intellectual property protection; we 
have done an IP review; but have not yet completed the OSGeo incubation 
- Is access to the developer community the important part
- None of the above

GeoTools is seeing an upswing of use lately and I am trying to determine 
the cause (and what we can do to keep the momentum going).
> We are a company working basically on environmental informatics and 
> geodata processing, and we have two applications for which Geotools is a 
> strong candidate to be used within. The first one, which I am involved 
> in, is a desktop application to display satellite orbits and 
> corresponding swaths of instruments onboard these satellites. The 
> display will basically be a visualization of the orbits/swaths on a 
> world map, but shall be highly configurable in detail. E.g., we will 
> have to:
You may be interested in the http://udig.refractions.net/ platform; it 
is a desktop GIS framework built on GeoTools (and Eclipse); a UN group 
has already started a environmental informatics application with it 
called DivaGIS (and they have lots of fun stats work based on R hooked 
up already).
>     - display additional layers  (e.g., a grid, country borders, cities, 
> selected zones, a background image) on demand
>     - supply mechanisms to zoom, rotate, shift, and to select specific 
> sections of the map
>     - show the map under different projections
GeoTools has the "chops" on the GIS side of things; you can use WMS to 
fetch background information (or GridCoverage directly for local 
information); but I must stress that we are not a "framework" for 
building a GIS. As a toolkit we can get you the data, and even draw you 
a picture - but interaction is up to you. The toolkit is also used on 
server only applications.

There is so much to do in the world we have been forced to specialize 
and focus on the hard science / specifications end of things.
> The last point is important regarding our potential contribution to 
> Geotools. Besides a "standard" rectangular cylindric projection, we will 
> need at least an AzimuthalEquidistant and a Gnomonic projection which 
> are obviously not yet supplied by Geotools (package org 
> <javascript:searchRef('org')>.geotools 
> <javascript:searchRef('geotools')>.referencing 
> <javascript:searchRef('referencing')>.operation 
> <javascript:searchRef('operation')>.projection). 
> <javascript:searchRef('projection')> Therefore, we will have to go and 
> add these projections following your tutorial 
> (http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GEOTOOLS/How+to+add+new+projections). 
> - You may also regard this email as "step 0" of that tutorial ;-)
Sweet :-)
> Questions we may have in future will regard these projection topics, but 
> also the rendering and performance issues, which are also very important 
> for us.
There is lots of room for improvement in rendering and performance; an 
extra set of hands with a
profiler is always welcome. You may also wish to review the uDig 
codebase which wraps the GeoTools
rendering system in order to isolate some rendering paths for 
optimization (as an example shape files are
rendered directly).

All the best,

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