There are 40 new builds jobs available, for the impatient 

(The URLs a temporary and may change in future) 

Behind is a Suse 11.1 32 bit installation, 
behind is an Ubuntu 9.10 Server 64 bit 
installation. Each of these two virtual machines is hosting 20 jobs, one for 
32 bit sdks and the other for 64 bit sdks. 

I created build jobs for geoserver-trunk,geoserver-2.0.x, geotools-trunk and 
using SUN sdk 5, SUN sdk 6, IBM sdk 5 , IBM sdk 6 and OpenJDK 6. 

Time schedule (GMT+1): 

Monday,Thursday is SUN day
Tuesday and Friday is IBM day
Wednesday and Saturday is OpenJDK day
Sunday is reserved for maintenance 

Userid and password is the same as for the standard hudson. 

There is a thrid VM hosting DB2,Oracle,mysql and postgis for online tests. 
At the moment these tests are NOT activated, since I think its better to get 
all our red problems to blue without online tests. 

All the failed tests have problems which I cannot resolve alone. 

There are enough resources to add additional jobs or VMs. The whole system 
is a CentOs (RedHat) Cluster using DRBD as a network mirror. The VMs are HA 
resources based on KVM  and can be migrated from one cluster node to the 

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